Category of Space in a Mobile Interdisciplinary Field
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Category of Space in a Mobile Interdisciplinary Field
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Olga Vorobieva 
Affiliation: Institute of World History. State Academic University for the Humanities. Russian State University for the Humanities
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
The article analyzes the category of space rethought under the influence of the processes of globalization, formation of the information society, and success of the actor-network theory (ANT) and social topology. Focusing on the possibility of multiple forms of spatiality, representatives of the actor-network theory view the studied objects as the most complex, highly mobile and constantly transforming conglomerates of space representations, often conflicting with each other. Actor-network theory, representing an experimental interdisciplinary field, has long provoked researchers with its transfers to other disciplinary spheres, including the sphere of historical science.
space, forms of spatiality, category, actor-network theory, interdisciplinarity
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Additional sources and materials

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