Middle Class in England in Modern Times: Discussions of Historians
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Middle Class in England in Modern Times: Discussions of Historians
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Andrey Sokolov 
Affiliation: Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University
Address: Russian Federation, Yaroslavl
The different approaches in historiography to the origin of the middle class in England in modern time are regarded in this article. Three long periods to which this process is attributed are distinguished: 1) Tudors’ epoch; 2) “the long 18th century”; 3) end of the 18th — beginning of the 19th century and the Victorian time. The arguments for and against each of these points of view are considered. The special attention is given to the discussions of the historians whether middle class was social reality or the construct of public consciousness.
middle class, social hierarchy, Tudors, Hannover dynasty, industrialization, Victorian England, education
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Additional sources and materials

  1. AVPRI. F. 35/6. D. 158, 166, 204.
  2. Arnstein W. L. The Myth of the Triumphant Victorian Middle Class // The Historian. 1975. February. Vol. 37. № 2.
  3. Black J. A System of Ambition? British Foreign Policy 1660—1793. L., 1991.
  4. Briggs A. The Age of Improvement 1783—1867. L., 1993 (1st ed. 1959).
  5. Cannadine D. The Rise and Fall of Class in Britain. N. Y., 1999.
  6. Clark J. C. D. English Society 1660—1832. Cambridge, 2000.
  7. Evans E. J. The Forging of the Modern State. Early Industrial Britain 1783—1870. L., 1996 (1st ed. 1983).
  8. Gatrell V. The Hanging Tree. Execution and the English People 1770—1868. Oxford, 1996.
  9. Hexter J. H. The Myth of the Middle Class in Tudor England // Reappraisals in History. Evanson-Chicago, 1962.
  10. Huxley T. H. Science and Education. Essays. N. Y., 1897.
  11. Holmes G., Szechi D. The Age of Oligarchy. Pre-industrial Britain 1722—1783. L., 1993.
  12. Langford P. Polite and Commercial People. England 1727—1783. Oxford, 1990.
  13. Langford P. Public Life and the Propertied Englishman 1689—1798. Oxford, 1991.
  14. Morris R. J. Class, Sect and Party: The Making of the British Middle Class: Leeds 1820—1850. Manchester, 1990.
  15. Oman C. W. England in the Nineteenth Century. L., 1899.
  16. Pilbeam P. M. The Middle Classes in Europe, 1789—1914: France, Germany, Italy and Russia. Basingstoke, 1990.
  17. Pimlott J. A. The Englishman’s Holidays. Sussex, 1976 (1st ed. 1947).
  18. Thompson P. Whigs and Hunters: The Origin of the Black Act. L., 1975.
  19. Trevor-Roper H. The Gentry 1540—1640. L., 1953.


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