The Historical Dimension of Identity. Reflections on the Magic Phantom
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The Historical Dimension of Identity. Reflections on the Magic Phantom
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Zinaida Chekantseva 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
The idea that identity, individual and collective, is rooted in history, seems to be commonplace today, both in the scientific discourse and in the world of everyday life. However, recently, philosophers and experts in different fields of science are increasingly questioning such a question. This circumstance updates its subsequent discussion to better understand the connection between identity and history issues, as well as identify ways to find what could replace the common understanding of such a link. The article shows that the modes of perception of the historical dimension of identity largely depend on the state of historical knowledge and its role in culture. Relying on the work of intellectuals, the author reflects on the need to include the study of identification processes in “complex thinking” (complexity), presented as a new type of rationality.
identity, identification, social sciences, history, complex thinking, transdisciplinarity
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