Moscow — Madrid, from One Congress of Historians to Another. Between Historiography and Ego-History
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Moscow — Madrid, from One Congress of Historians to Another. Between Historiography and Ego-History
Title (other)
Москва — Мадрид, от одного конгресса историков к другому. Между историографией и эго-историей
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Francisco Villacorta Baños 
Affiliation: Instituto de Historia, CSIC
Address: Spain, Madrid
This paper «Moscow-Madrid, from one congress of historians to another. Between historiography and ego-history» seeks to make a historiographic approach to some concepts that have occupied the professional activity of the author throughout the last four decades of his life as a historian. These concepts are fundamentally those of intellectual, profession, corporatism and state. Looking at them and their significance in Spanish and Western historiography this paper attempts to find some kind of communication between Russian and Spanish historiography on the modern world.
Abstract (other)
El presente trabajo «Moscú-Madrid, de un Congreso de historiadores a otro. Entre historiografía y ego-historia» en que busca realizar un acercamiento historiográfico a algunos de los conceptos que han ocupado la actividad profesional del autor a lo largo de las cuatro últimas décadas de su vida como historiador. Dichos conceptos son fundamentalmente los de intelectual, profesión, corporativismo y estado. A partir de ellos y de su significado en la historiografía española y occidental se intenta encontrar algunos puentes de diálogo entre la historiografía rusa y española acerca el mundo contemporáneo.
Ego-history, Intellectuals, Profession, Corporatism, State.
Keywords list (other)
Ego-historia, intelectuales, profesión, corporativismo, estado.
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