Shaping of a New Religious Situation in British North America as the Result of the First Great Awakening of 1730s — 1750s
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Shaping of a New Religious Situation in British North America as the Result of the First Great Awakening of 1730s — 1750s
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Irina Khruleva 
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
The First Great Awakening was a powerful religious movement that swept across all British colonies in North America and coincided with the Enlightenment. It had a profound effect on all aspects of colonial life, greatly affecting religion, politics, and ideology. The Great Awakening laid the foundation of a future American nation. Unprecedented interest in religion led to the increase of colonial printed production — not only theological treatises, but colonial newspapers that published information about religious rallies.
Great Awakening, colonial newspapers, American War of Independence, American Religion
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Additional sources and materials

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