The Beginning of the British Colonial Regime in Nova Scotia in 1710s — 1740s
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The Beginning of the British Colonial Regime in Nova Scotia in 1710s — 1740s
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Yury Akimov 
Affiliation: Saint Petersburg State University
Address: Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg
The article deals with the initial period of the British colonial regime in Nova Scotia since the conquest of the French colony of Acadia during the War of the Spanish Succession till the end of 1740s. It reveals the specifics of the control system set up there and shows the problems faced by the colonial administration in the given period. Special attention is paid to the relations between the British authorities and French settlers, Acadians, who remained in the colony, in particular regarding the question about their oath of allegiance to the King of England and the preservation of their neutral status. It analyzes the attitude towards Nova Scotia of the London government as well as of the neighboring British colonies. It is concluded that Nova Scotia took specific position as a part of the British Empire in 1710s — 1740s.
Nova Scotia, British Empire, Colonial Policy, Colonial Administration, Acadians, Oath of Allegiance
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Additional sources and materials

  1. Akimov Yu. G. Naselenie Akadii v ehpokhu frantsuzskogo kolonial'nogo gospodstva (1604—1713): sotsial'no-demograficheskie protsessy na periferii zamorskoj imperii // Amerikanskij ezhegodnik, 2013 / otv. red. prof. V. V. Sogrin. M., 2013. S. 293—310.
  2. Akimov Yu. G. Skhvatka na styke imperij: Atlanticheskij region Kanady vo vremya Vojny za Avstrijskoe nasledstvo, 1744—1748 gg. // PaxBritannica: istoriya Britanskoj imperii i sozdannogo eyu mira. Sbornik nauchnykh rabot k 60-letiyu professora V. V. Grudzinskogo / pod red. I. M. Nokhrina. Chelyabinsk, 2016. S. 24—39.
  3. Akimov Yu. G. Utrekhtskij mir i Severnaya Amerika // Vestnik S.-Peterb. un-ta. 2002. Ser. 6. Vyp. 3. S. 115—125.
  4. Arsenault B. History of the Acadians. Quebec, 1966.
  5. Brebner J. B. New England’s Outpost: Acadia before the Conquest of Canada. New York, 1927.
  6. Bucker Ph. A., Reid J. G. The Atlantic Region to Confederation: A History. Toronto, 1994.
  7. Calendar of State Papers, Colonial Series. Vol. XXXI. America and West Indies, 1719—1720. London, 1933.
  8. Calendar of State Papers, Colonial Series. Vol. XXXV. America and West Indies, 1726—1727. London, 1936.
  9. Calendar of State Papers, Colonial Series. Vol. XXXVI. America and West Indies, 1728—1729. London, 1937.
  10. Canada and its Provinces. A History of the Canadian People and their Institutions / ed. by A. Shortt and A. Doughty. In 22 vols. Toronto, 1913—1917. Vol. XIII. Atlantic Region. Pt. 1.
  11. Daughty A. G. The Acadian Exiles: A Chronicle of the Land of Evangeline. Toronto, 1920.
  12. Grenier J. The Far Reaches of Empire: the War in Nova Scotia, 1710—1760. Norman, 2014.
  13. Henretta J. A. “Salutary Neglect”. Colonial Administration under the Duke of Newcastle. Princeton, 1972.
  14. Les grands traités du règne de Louis XIV / ed. par H. Vast: 3 t. Paris, 18931899. T. III.
  15. Nova Scotia Archives. Vol. 2. A Calendar of Two Letter-Books and One Commission-Book in the Possession of the Government of Nova Scotia, 1713—1741 / ed. by A. MacMechan. Halifax, 1900.
  16. Nova Scotia Archives. Vol. 3. Original Minutes of His Majesty’s Council at Annapolis Royal, 1720 to 1739 / ed. by A. MacMechan. Halifax, 1908.
  17. Parkman F. France and England in North America: 2 vols. New York. Vol. 2.
  18. Selection from the Public Documents of the Province of Nova Scotia / ed. by T. B. Akins. Halifax, 1869.


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