Craft Purchase in Paris in the 13th Century
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Craft Purchase in Paris in the 13th Century
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Ekaterina Kirillova 
Affiliation: Institute of World History
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
The article considers the regulation of the craft purchase in Paris in the 13th century according the «Book of crafts» of Paris. Masters of twenty different crafts needed «to buy a craft from the king» (acheter le mestier du Roy) in order to work legally. The fee could be set in the corporations’ statutes, but more often it was determined by the one who sold the craft on behalf of the king. This person or his representative ruled the corporation, tried artisans, received fines and other payments. The transfer of crafts’ management did not lead to the loss of control over them by the royal government: in a number of cases prévôt of Paris had to appoint officials (prud’hommes) and to take their oaths; he also took the reports about vio-lations and some fines, one turned to him for help and punishment in case of the masters’ disobedience. The seignorial right gave the king the opportunity to dispose of the Parisian crafts, but the «Books of Crafts» indicate how widely Louis IX used this opportunity, because of the special needs of the royal authority — the preparation of the Seventh Crusade. It was the search for funds for the Crusade that led to the appeal to the evident for the feudal system source of financial revenues, including, probably, the change in earlier decisions — the transfer of crafts from one person to another. Those who received the crafts for farming and management had the means and the ability to finance royal needs, ensuring in the future a permanent income in the form of a part of fines, entry fees of new masters, legal fees, with the unconditional preservation of royal rights and the primacy of the royal will.
«Book of crafts» of Paris, craft purchase, seigniorial rights, Louis IX, the Seventh crusade
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Additional sources and materials

  1. Bourlet C. Le Livre des métiers dit d’Étienne Boilleau et la lente mise en place d’une législation écrite à Paris (fin XIIIe – début XIVe siècle) // Médiévales. 69. Automne 2015. Travailler à Paris (XIIIe – XVIe siècle). P. 19-48.
  2. Documents relatifs à l’histoire de l’industrie et du commerce en France / Publ. par G. Fagniez. Paris, 1898. T. 1.
  3. Fagniez G. Etude sur l’industrie et la classe industrielle à Paris au XIIIe et au XIVe siècle. Paris, 1877.
  4. Franklin A. Dictionnaire historique des arts, métiers et professions exercés dans Paris depuis le treizième siècle. Paris; Leipzig, 1906.
  5. La Mare N., de. Traité de la police, où l’on trouvera l’histoire de son etablissement, les fonctions et les prerogatives de ses magistrats, toutes les loix et tous les reglemens qui la concernent. Paris, 1710. T. II.
  6. La Mare N., de. Continuation du Traité de la police, où l’on trouvera l’histoire de son etablissement, les fonctions et les prerogatives de ses magistrats, toutes les loix et tous les reglemens qui la concernent. Paris, 1738. T. IV.
  7. Le Livre des métiers / Publ. par R. de Lespinasse et Fr. Bonnardot. Paris, 1879. Réipr. Genève, 1980.
  8. Olivier-Martin F. L’organisation corporative de la France d’ancien régime. Paris, 1938.
  9. Règlements sur les arts et métiers de Paris, rédigés au XIIIe siècle et connus sous le nom du Livre des métiers d’Etien Boileau / Pub. par G.-B. Depping. Paris, 1837.
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  12. Kirillova E.N. «Kniga remesel» Eht'ena Bualo: autentichnyj tekst ili logika izdatelej // Srednie veka. M., 2006. Vyp. 67. S. 28-55.
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  15. Stukalova T.Yu. Vvedenie v srednevekovuyu frantsuzskuyu arkhontologiyu. M., 2001.
  16. Stukalova T.Yu. Instituty vlasti i dolzhnosti vo Frantsuzskom korolevstve v XIXIIIvv. // Vlastnye instituty i dolzhnosti v Evrope v Srednie veka i rannee Novoe vremya / Otv. red. T.P. Gusarova. M., 2011. S. 44—75.


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