Reasons for Curtailing of the New Economic Policy (NEP), Assessment of the Results of Industrialization, Collectivization and Cultural Transformations
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Reasons for Curtailing of the New Economic Policy (NEP), Assessment of the Results of Industrialization, Collectivization and Cultural Transformations
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Alexandra Bahturina 
State Academic University for the Humanities
Russian State University for the Humanities
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The research-methodic manual examines in detail the New Economic Policy (NEP) period, which is regarded controversially among historians in its development, results and the impact on the following periods in the USSR history. Based on the deep analysis of political, economic and social-cultural processes of the 1920s, the author’s work attempts to highlight how the economical contradictions of the NEP correlated with the split within the Bolshevik party and the necessity to catch up with the leading Western countries. The author uses the large number of archival documents and also the thoughtful historiographical analysis of the key stages of the NEP and the beginning of the industrialization. The second part of the manual contains the list of the recommendable literature and sources and also methodic exercises

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