Comparative Analysis of Historical Scientific and Educational Internet Resources
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Comparative Analysis of Historical Scientific and Educational Internet Resources
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Ivan Tarkhanov 
Occupation: senior researcher
Affiliation: State Academic University for Humanities
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Boris Yablokov
Affiliation: State Academic University for the Humanities
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
The article considers the issue of how adequately the sites of historical scientific journals correspond to the level of the most popular Internet resources in terms of their functionality and marketing opportunities. We provide a thorough classification and comparative analysis of historical sites of scholarly journals, popular scientific journals, scientific and educational Internet resources, including educational portals, based on their attendance. The solid conclusion is the growth of the popularity of the scholarly journal and its scientometric indicators is mainly insured by the development of the so-called ‘hybrid’ forms of a scholarly journal on the Internet that combine the use of technological tools specific for Internet resources of a broad profile with the fulfillment of the requirements of scientific periodicals. The case-study is exemplified by the Electronic Scientific and Educational Journal “ISTORIYA”.
scholarly journals, scientific and educational journal, Internet media, attendance, general history, comparative analysis
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Additional sources and materials

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