On the Taxes of France in 1550s (according to the Venetian Ambassador Giacomo Soranzo)
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On the Taxes of France in 1550s (according to the Venetian Ambassador Giacomo Soranzo)
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Marina Tretyakova 
Affiliation: Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod
Address: Russian Federation, Arzamas
The article deals with the final report (Relazione) of the Venetian Ambassador Giacomo Soranzo, accredited at the court of French king Henry II in 1554—1558. The focus of the author is the plot of the final report on revenues and expenditures of the French crown. Mandatory part of the Venetian Relazione was the figures of income and expenditure of the state. The report of Giacomo Soranzo was not an exception. The Ambassador noted that the main items of income in France in 1550s were the direct and indirect taxes, revenues from the sale of positions, loans from the cities of Lyon merchants. The ordinary and extraordinary taxes formed a part of the income. The money generated by the French crown was used for the expenses of the court, the army, and the interest payments of public debt. To verify the information of Giacomo Soranzo’s reports we examined the reports of his predecessor, Giovanni Capello (Ambassador to France in 1547—1551) and his successor, Giovanni Michele (Ambassador to France in 1558—1560). The data provided by the Venetian ambassadors, showed a constant tendency in the financial policy of the French crown — during the hostilities taxes increased. However, the Venetian diplomats wrote that law-abiding and respectful subjects of French king gave him desired amounts of money for the warfare without serious discontent. According to Giacomo Soranzo, two main ways to refill the French Treasury were raising taxes and getting loans from the cities and merchants of Lyon. Besides, king got a significant part of income selling posts. Though it is impossible to verify the financial data of Venice summary reports, it is probable that the Venetian government, using this imformation about income, (including taxes) and expenses, could (with a bit of uncertainty) determine the financial capacity of the French state, its weak and strong points.
Giacomo Soranzo, France, 16th century, ordinary and extraordinary taxes, taxpayers, methods of replenishment of the Treasury
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  8. Rapport de Jean Cappello ambassadeur en France en 1554 // Relations des ambassadeurs vénitiens sur les affaires de France au XVI siècle / Recueillies et trad. par M. N. Tommaseo. Paris, 1838.
  9. Relation de Jean Michiel, après son ambassade de 1561 (Relazione dell’Eccellentissimo Giovanni Michiel, ambassador, che ritornò dalla sua legazione l’anno 1561) // Relations des ambassadeurs vénitiens sur les affaires de France au XVI siècle // Recueillies et trad. par M. N. Tommaseo. Paris, 1838.
  10. Relation de Marino Cavalli (1546) // Relations des ambassadeurs vénitiens sur les affaires de France au XVI siècle / Recueillies et trad. par M. N. Tommaseo. Paris, 1838.
  11. Relazione di Francia dell’ambasciatore Marino Cavalli, 1546 // Relazioni degli ambascitori veneti al Senato / Raccolte, annotate ed edite Eugenio Alberi. Firenze, 1839. Serie I. Vol. I.
  12. Relazione di Francia del clarissimo Giovanni Soranzo tornato ambasciatore da quella corte nel 1558 // Relazioni degli ambascitori veneti al Senato / Raccolte, annotate ed edite Eugenio Alberi. Firenze, 1840. Serie I. Vol. II.
  13. Relazione di Francia detta in senato da Giovanni Michiel nel 1561 // Le Relazioni degli ambasciatore veneti al Senato durante il secolo decimosesto / Raccolte ed illustrate da Eugenio Albèri. Serie I. Volume III. Firenze, 1853.
  14. Relazione di Francia di messer Giovanni Capello, tornato ambasciatore da quella corte, l’anno 1554 // Relazioni degli ambascitori veneti al Senato / Raccolte, annotate ed edite Eugenio Alberi. Firenze, 1840. Serie I. Vol. II.
  15. Relazione di Roma di Giacomo Soranzo, 1565 // Relazioni degli ambasciatori veneti al Senato durante il secolo decimosesto / Edite Eugenio Albéri. Volume X. Serie II. Tomo IV. Firenze, 1857.



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