On the F. F. von Beust's Project of the Reform of the German Confederation from 15 October 1861
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On the F. F. von Beust's Project of the Reform of the German Confederation from 15 October 1861
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Pavel Datsenko 
Affiliation: State Academic University for the Humanities
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
The article analyses the German Confederation's reform project drafted by the Saxon foreign minister Friedrich Ferdinand von Beust in 1861. Beust's project, due to his conservative-confederative views on the reform, was supposed to become an alternative to the Prussian and the Austrian solutions of the German Question, especially concerning middle- and small-size German states' rights and their status. To put the Confederation into a more effective shape met the German nation' needs how they were understood by politicians of the “Third Germany” and by Beust himself. The article examines basic points of this project and circumstances around its development and discussion between German cabinets. It also attempts to explore the inner and outer reasons of Beust's failure in promoting his project.
German Confederation, reform, Third Germany, F. F. von Beust, Saxony, Bundestag, confederation, German question, Federal Constitution
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Additional sources and materials

  1. Aegidi L.K., Klauhold A. (Hg.) Der Staatsarchiv. Sammlung der officiellen Actenstücke zur Geschichte der Gegenwart. Bd. 1—2. Hamburg, 1861—1862.
  2. Beust F. F. von. Aus Drei-Viertel-Jahrhunderten. Bd. I. Stuttgart, 1887.
  3. Burg, P. Die Triaspolitik im Deutschen Bund (Das Problem einer partnerschaftlichen Mitwirkungund eigenständigen Entwicklung des Dritten Deutschland) // Rumpler H. (Hg.) Wiener Beiträge zur Geschichte der Neuzeit Bd. 16/17. Deutsche Bund und deutsche Frage 1815—1866. München, 1990. S. 136—161.
  4. Flöter J. Beust und die Reform des Deutschen Bundes 1850—1866. Sächsisch-mittelstaatliche Koalitionspolitik im Kontext der deutschen Frage. Köln, 2001. 565 s.
  5. Gruner W. D. Würzburger Konferrenzen der Mittelstaaten in den Jahren 1859-1861 und die Bestrebungen zur Reform des Deutschen Bundes // Zeitschrift für bayerische Landesgeschichte. Bd.36. München, 1973. S. 181—253.
  6. Müller J. Deutscher Bund und deutsche Nation 1848—1866 (Schriftenreihe der Historischen Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschfaten; Bd. 71). Göttingen, 2005. 637 s.
  7. Neeman A. Models of political participation in the Beust era: the state, the saxon Landtag and the public sphere 1849—1864 // Saxony in German History. Ann Arbor, 2000. P. 119—134.
  8. Srbik H. R. von. (Hg.) Quellen zur deutschen Politik Österreichs. Bd. I. Juli 1859 bis November 1861. Osnabrück, 1967. 811 s.
  9. Thumann H.-H. Beusts Plan zur Reform des deutschen Bundes vom 15. Oktober 1861 // Ermisch H. (Hg.) Neues Archiv für sächsische Geschichte und Altertumskude. Bd.46. Dresden, 1925. S. 46—77.


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