Scandinavia in Recent Historical Research in Russia
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Scandinavia in Recent Historical Research in Russia
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Alexey Komarov 
Affiliation: Institute of World History
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
This article is based on the author’s presentation at the international conference “Historical Background and Future Prospects in Russian-Nordic Relations” that was held in Moscow on June 23, 2016. Certain issues of cooperation between historians from Russia and the Scandinavian-Baltic region are covered in the article. The author gives specific examples of this cooperation and analyzes the main tendencies of Russian historical Scandinavistica’s development in recent decades.
Scandinavian Studies, Russia, Northern Europe, Nordic-Baltic Region, Arctic, Historical Science, Scientific Cooperation, International Projects
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Additional sources and materials

  1. Amundsen R. Sobr. soch. T. 1—5. L.: «Glavsevmorputi», 1936—1939.
  2. Belyaev D. P. Ocherki po istorii izucheniya i osvoeniya Arktiki: uchebnoe posobie. Murmansk, 2013.
  3. Goldin V. I., Zajkov K. S., Tamitskij A. M. V odnoj lodke: «Assimetrichnoe sosedstvo: Rossiya i Norvegiya» za dva veka // Novyj istoricheskij vestnik. 2015. № 3 (45). S. 172—182.
  4. Komarov A. A., Mikhajlova Yu. L. K voprosu o sotrudnichestve rossijskikh i latvijskikh istorikov: stanovlenie, razvitie, sovremennoe sostoyanie // Pribaltijskie issledovaniya v Rossii. 2015. Sbornik statej / sost. M. A. Vilkov, V. V. Simindej.  M., 2015. S. 10—17.
  5. Nansen F. Sobr. soch. T. 1—5. M.—L., 1937—1940.
  6. Rossiya i Norvegiya. Voprosy otechestvennogo istochnikovedeniya i istoriografii (XIX—XXI vv.) / otv. red. A. A. Komarov. M., 2012.
  7. Rossiya i Norvegiya. Skvoz' veka i granitsy / red. D. Byukhten, T. Dzhakson, J. P. Nil'sen. M., 2004.
  8. Sovetsko-norvezhskie otnosheniya. 1917—1955. Sb. dok. Redkol.: Chubar'yan A. O., Riste U., Komarov A. A., Lebedev I. V., Khol'tsmark S. G., Korobochkin M. L., Roginskij V. V., Ehgge O. M., 1997.
  9. SSSR/Rossiya — Islandiya. 1943—2008 gg. Sbornik dokumentov. Izhevsk, 2013.
  10. Naboer i frykt og forventning: Norge og Russland, 1917—2014 // Red. Sven Holtsmark. Oslo, 2015.
  11. Norge og Sovjetunionen. 1917—1955. En utenrikspolitisk dokumentasjon / Sven G. Holtsmark (hovedredaktør). Oslo, 1995.
  12. Norge–Russland: Naboer gjennom 1000 år. / Büchten Daniela, Dzjakson Tatjana & Nielsen Jens Petter (eds). Scandinavian Academic Press. Oslo, 2004.
  13. Repnevskii A. The modern history of the Russian-Norwegian relations we wrote together. (Joint scientifically-historical projects of the Norwegian and Russian historians. 1991—2015) // Journal of Education and Science “Istoriya” (“History”). 2017. V. 8. Issue 4 (58) [Ehlektronnyj resurs]. URL: >>>
  14. Russland kommer nærmere: Norge og Russland 1814—1917 // Red. Jens Petter Nielsen. Oslo, 2014.
  15. Tove Gravdal. Samskrevet historie. Etter fem års forskning lanseres nå et historisk verk om det norsk-russiske forholdet gjennom 200 år // Morgenbladet, 02. Oktober 2014. [Ehlektronnyj resurs]. URL: >>>
  16. In a World of Total War: Norway 1939—1945. In a World of Total War is a five year research project on the German occupation of Norway during the Second World War [Ehlektronnyj resurs]. URL: >>>


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