Soviet-Latvian Сultural Relations in 1926—1933. Documents Publication from the Archive of Foreign Policy of Russian Federation
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Soviet-Latvian Сultural Relations in 1926—1933. Documents Publication from the Archive of Foreign Policy of Russian Federation
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Yulia Mikhailova 
Affiliation: Institute of World History. State Academiс University for the Humanities
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Documents published from the collection of the Archive of the foreign policy of the Russian Federation are the selection of materials on the VOKS' (Vsesoyuznoe obshestvo kul'turnoi svyazi s zagranicei) activity in Latvia. They are dedicated to the formation and activity of the Society of cultural rapprochement with the USSR, which was founded in spring of 1929 in Riga. These documents are the reports of the employees of the Soviet embassy in Riga (1st Secretary N. N. Kulyabko and Consul General V. I. Shenshev) to VOKS and NKID (Narodnyi komissariat inostrannyh del) leadership, requests of VOKS leadership addressed to Soviet diplomats who were authorized to represent VOKS in Riga, correspondence between VOKS and NKID on cultural relations with Latvia. The documents cover the period from January 1926 to February 1934 and illuminate the process of the forming of the Latvian Society of cultural rapprochement with the peoples of the USSR and the role played by the Soviet diplomacy in this process.
USSR, Latvia, Soviet-Latvian relations, Soviet cultural diplomacy, VOKS (Vsesoyuznoe obshestvo kul'turnoi svyazi s zagranicei)
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  1. Arkhiv vneshnej politiki Rossijskoj Federatsii (AVP RF). Fond 150/0150. Referentura po Latvii.


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  17. Fayet Jean François. VOKS: The Third Dimension of Soviet Foreign Policy // Searching for a cultural diplomacy / Edited by Jessica C. E. Gienow-Hecht, Mark C. Donfried. 2010.
  18. Kasijan A. Kulturforbindelservi mellomkrigstida: Representanter for kunst, vitenskap og sport fra det bolsjevikiske Sovjet-Russland satte for første gang foten på norskjord i begynnelsen av 1920-årene // Ottar 314 — 2017 (1). S. 49—54.
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  20. Michael David-Fox. Showcasing the Great Experiment: Cultural Diplomacy and Western Visitors to Soviet Union, 1921—1941. Oxford U.P., 2012.
  21. Searching for a cultural diplomacy / edited by Jessica C. E. Gienow-Hecht, Mark C. Donfried. 2010.


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