The Socio-Professional Profile of the Member of the Russian Empire State Council of the Second Half of the 19th Century
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The Socio-Professional Profile of the Member of the Russian Empire State Council of the Second Half of the 19th Century
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Konstantin Kunavin 
Affiliation: Derzhavin Tambov State University
Address: Russian Federation, Tambov
The article discusses the studying of the socio-professional profile of the members of the Russian Empire State Council of the second half of the 19th century. The research is based on the quantitative analysis of the prosopographic relational database. The brief review of the historiography of the researchers of this issue is given. The portrayal of the typical specimen of the analysed totality is formed. The comparison of the taken profile with the profile of the whole class bureaucracy of the Russian Empire of the time is made. The evolution of the basic biographic parametres of the State Council "recruits" in the perioud between 1826 and 1880s is examined.
State Council, bureaucracy, officialdom, quantitative methods, prosopography, database
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Additional sources and materials

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