The Relationships between Soviet Russia and Ukraine in the Context of the Brest System of 1918
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The Relationships between Soviet Russia and Ukraine in the Context of the Brest System of 1918
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Sergey Pyatovskiy 
Affiliation: Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
The article deals with the diplomatic aspect of the territorial conflict between Soviet Russia and the supporters of the Ukrainian national state in 1918. A Special attention is paid to the factor of the Germans that was critical at a certain stage in the Russian Civil war and the relationship of the Soviet government with the western national border regions of the former Empire. The purpose of the article is to reveal the reasons for which peace talks between Soviet Russia and Ukraine were disrupted. The main problem to be set was that of the boundaries. The author uses printed and archival documents, works of participants of the events, as well as modern monographs of Russian and Ukrainian specialists.
Soviet Russia, Ukraine, RSFSR, Brest peace, state border, talks, diplomacy, Civil war
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Additional sources and materials

  1. GARF. F. 130. Op. 2. D. 1.
  2. Grushevskij M. S. Osvobozhdenie Rossii i ukrainskij vopros: Stat'i i zametki. SPb., 1907.
  3. Dokumenty vneshnej politiki SSSR. T. 1: 7 noyabrya 1917 g. — 31 dekabrya 1918 g. / pod red. I. N. Zemskova, S. M. Majorova i drugikh. M., 1959.
  4. Dokumenty o razgrome germanskikh okkupantov na Ukraine v 1918 g. / pod red. I. I. Mintsa, E. N. Gorodetskogo. M., 1942.
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  10. Natsional'ni vidnosini v Ukraїni u XX st.: Zbirnik dokumentiv i materialiv. Kiїv, 1994.
  11. Obrazovanie SSSR: Sbornik dokumentov 1917—1924 / pod red. Eh. B. Genkinoj. M., 1949.
  12. RGASPI. F. 71. Op. 35. D. 412, 423; F. 159. Op. 2. D. 8; F. 325. Op. 2. D. 23; F. 588. Op. 2. D. 164.
  13. Sovetsko-germanskie otnosheniya ot peregovorov v Brest-Litovske do podpisaniya Rapall'skogo dogovora: Sbornik dokumentov. T. 1. 1917—1918 gg. / pod red. S. Dernberga, Kh. Zajdevitsa, I. N. Zemskova i drugikh. M., 1968. Stalin I. V. Sochineniya. T. 4: Noyabr' 1917—1920 gg. M., 1954.
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  16. Chicherin G. V. Stat'i i rechi po voprosam mezhdunarodnoj politiki. M., 1961.



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