The Models of Historical Cognition: Current Status and Prospects of Development
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The Models of Historical Cognition: Current Status and Prospects of Development
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Valeriy Nekhamkin 
Affiliation: Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Ivan Komissarov
Affiliation: Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
This article considers a number of models that dominate the modern historical knowledge (mechanistic, organismic, ideal-typical, bifurcational, undulatory). Models that give propositions to build other theoretical constructions (that are particular models) are denoted as model matrices. Classification of model matrices (on dynamical and morphological) is implemented, their heuristic potential is revealed.
model, historical knowledge, model matrix, particular models, mechanistic, organismic, ideal-typical, bifurcational, undulatory models, dynamical and morphological model matrices
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Additional sources and materials

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