France’s Participation in European Political Integration during the Presidency of François Mitterrand
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France’s Participation in European Political Integration during the Presidency of François Mitterrand
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Alexander Sidorov 
Affiliation: Demidov Yaroslavl State University
Address: Russian Federation, Yaroslavl
France has traditionally been one of the key driving forces of European integration, especially its political dimension. The period of the Fifth Republic when the president's role in social and political practice and in foreign policy became dominant, is of interest from the historical point of view. François Mitterrand, as the France’s President for two terms (1981—1995) did more than anyone to fill the “political Europe” with the real content. The role of France is inseparable from that of François Mitterrand — one of two great presidents of the Fifth Republic.
France, national interests, Gaullism, Mitterrand, European Integration, “Varyable-geometry” Europe, subsidiarity
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Additional sources and materials

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