“Renault” — “Kamaz”: Example of Soviet-French Cooperation in a Period of Detente
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“Renault” — “Kamaz”: Example of Soviet-French Cooperation in a Period of Detente
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The visit of French President general Charles de Gaulle in the USSR in 1966 was not only the symbol of detente, but also led to the establishment of a unique for the Cold War mechanism of economic cooperation between Moscow and Paris. In its development played a major role the French auto giant “Renault”, participated in the 60—70's. XX century in the modernization of Soviet factories “Moskvich” and “Iz”, and, most importantly, who became a partner of the USSR in the construction of trucks “KAMAZ”. On the basis of not published documents of Archives of the Ministry of Economy and Finance of France and the French Foreign Ministry the article analyzes the reasons that have made possible the participation of “Renault” in the creation of the Kama Automobile Plant and reconstruct the history of numerous negotiations and the signing of contracts between the French company and the Ministry of Foreign trade of the USSR. In general, the activity of “Renault” in the Soviet Union — a bright and very illustrative example of the controversial Soviet-French economic cooperation in a period of the detente. The French firm has become one of the largest foreign partners of Moscow, but not all features have been implemented, and both sides were not fully satisfied of the results of joint work. The reason — the dependence of bilateral economic relations on the political situation and, therefore, non-economic nature of most deals.
détente, “Renault”, “Kamaz”, Brezhnev, Charles de Gaulle, Pompidou
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