The Comparative Method in Studying of the Historical Notions (“Concepts”) on the Example of French Medieval Sources
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The Comparative Method in Studying of the Historical Notions (“Concepts”) on the Example of French Medieval Sources
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The article analyzes the concept of “état” by the example of French narrative sources of XIV—XV centuries. It’s an attempt by a comparative analysis of the semantic content of the concept to show how over a fairly large segment of the historical meaning of the concept, expressed in one word, to amend and supplement, although the word is still used in the basic meaning. The author shows the dependence of the appearance of new meanings from the socio-political situation, the degree of perception of the surrounding reality by the authors of the sources, their ability to adequately reflect in their language picture of the world the realities of contemporary life.
historical source, comparative method, historical notion, semantics of historical notion, interpretation, cognitive linguistic, concept, culture
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Additional sources and materials

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