The Problems of Historical-Cultural Consciousness in the Postclassical Approach
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The Problems of Historical-Cultural Consciousness in the Postclassical Approach
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The human world is presented to us in various ways by cultural-historical form's. As the rule the epistemic questions include questions about how best to understand the notions of justification and rational support in terms of terms of features external to the mind versus features wholly internal to the mind and understanding. The mind-body, a central one in philosophy, concerns whether mental phenomena and how they are related to the physical. Post-classical historical investigations take to articulate views found in philosophy and psychology about such topics as conceptualization, memory, action, reason, perception, belief, intention, consciousness. The study of human history and attempts to record and interpret it include questions about nature and state of consciousness. Conscious state such as cognitive acts, pain states and sense experience are such that it is like something for the subject of the state to be in them: they have a qualitative aspect, a phenomenological character. The phenomenological approach offered a deep distinction between the formal-descriptive epistemology and the life-world with perceptual experience and narrative picture of human. Historicity is a term used in the phenomenological and hermeneutic tradition to indicate an essential feature of human existence. The author fellows view that knowledge is the product of our not only social design, but human filling and experience. It should analyze how presently historical objects are perceived and how they depend on our cognitive activity and perceptual event.
consciousness, ontology, epistemology, phenomenology, perceptual and cognitive form of experience, language and history, object and meanings of history, post-classical approach to study of history, understanding of history, cognitive psychology, the mind-body problem, philosophy of mind
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Additional sources and materials

  1. Vasyukov V. L. Formal'naya fenomenologiya. M.: «Mysl'», 1999.
  2. Vygotskij L. Geneticheskie korni myshleniya i rechi // Myshlenie i rech'. M., 1934. S. 76102.
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  4. Detel W. Philosophie des Geist und der Sprache. Stuttgart, 2011.
  5. Fellmann F. Phänomenologie. Junius, 2006. S. 33.
  6. Heidegger M. Sein und Zeit. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer, 2001. S. 343.
  7. Husserl E. “Phänomenologia” aus Encyclopaedia Britannica. 1927.
  8. Husserl E. Die Phänomenologische Methode. Ausgewählte Texte I. Reclam, 1998. S. 197ff.
  9. Husserl E. Formale und transzendentale Logik. Versuch einer Kritik der logischen Vernunft. S. 196 // Gesammelte Werke. Bd. 6. Haag, 1974.
  10. Jackson F. Consciousness. Brookfield, 1998.
  11. Levine J. Recent Work on Consciousness // American Philosophical Quarterly 43 (1997).
  12. Luckmann T., Berger P. Die gesellschaftliche Konstuktion der Wirklichkeit. Frankfurt; M., 1969;
  13. Luckmann T., Berger P. Kommunikative Konstruktion von Moral. Bd. 1. Struktur und Dinamik der Form moralisches Kommunikation. Opladen, 1999 a; Bd. 2. Von der Moral zu den Moralen. Opladen, 1999 b.
  14. Nagel Th. The View from Nowhere. Oxford, 1989.


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