Sources on Alternate History and Its Methodological Significance
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Sources on Alternate History and Its Methodological Significance
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Valeriy Nekhamkin 
Affiliation: Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
This article considers an Alternate history (AI) as a field of knowledge of the past. Identifies the sources of its formation. Their classification is given. The main source of AI is the real past, changed scientists for educational purposes. Specified and analysed in detail from the methodological position of the individual specific sources AI: anthologies; fiction; memoirs of historical figures; research works (articles and books). It shows, that the sources of Alternate history within a specific study are complex, affect each other.
historical knowledge, counter-factual historical modeling, alternatives past, Alternate history, historical science, sources on Alternate history, the classifications of Alternate history sources
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Additional sources and materials

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