Quantitative Data in Historical Research: French Crafts in the 13th and 18th Centuries
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Quantitative Data in Historical Research: French Crafts in the 13th and 18th Centuries
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Based on two examples of the French crafts’ history, this paper is dedicated to explain when the quantitative methods allow to find essentially new information. The first example is about the apprenticeship in Paris in the 13th century: the terms and prices of apprenticeship allow to appreciate anew the crafts’ closure in the 13th cent. The study of changes in the weekly and annual fees of carpenters and thatchers in Reims in 1770s reveals the scale of the wage labour and the masters’ differentiation.
"Book of the Trades" of Paris, apprenticeship in the 13th cent., crafts’ closure in the 13th cent., wage labour in the 18th cent.
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Additional sources and materials

  1. Archives Municipales et Communautaires de Reims. Fonds ancien. C. 680. Liasse 7. Suppl. VI.
  2. Archives législatives de la ville de Reims / publ. par P. Varin. P., 1847. Pt. 2. Statuts. Vol. 2. P., 1852. Pt. 2. Statuts. Vol. 4.
  3. Bernardi Ph. Métiers du bâtiment et techniques de construction à Aix-en-Provence à la fin de l’époque gothique (1400—1550). Aix; Marseille, 1995.
  4. Franklin A. Dictionnaire historique des arts, métiers et professions exercés dans Paris depuis le treizième siècle. P.; Leipzig, 1906.
  5. Histoire de Reims / Sous la dir. de P. Desportes. Tou-louse, 1983.
  6. Le Livre des métiers / publ. par R. de Lespinasse et Fr. Bonnardot. P., 1879. Repr. Genève, 1980.
  7. Kirillova E. N. Kazhdoe remeslo — osobennoe: ob odnom arkhivnom dokumente iz Rejmsa // Universitas historiae. Sbornik statej v chest' Pavla Yur'evicha Uvarova / otv. red. A. O. Chubar'yan. M., 2016. S. 486—494.
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  11. Kirillova E. N. Obschestvennoe blago i drugie argumenty sozdaniya i izmeneniya remeslennykh ustavov // Dialog so vremenem. Al'manakh intellektual'noj istorii / gl. red. L. P. Repina. 2008. 25/2. S. 193—205.
  12. Kirillova E. N. «Kniga remesel» Eht'ena Bualo: autentichnyj tekst ili logika izdatelej // Srednie veka. M., 2006. Vyp. 67. S. 28—55.
  13. Kirillova E. N. Struktura remeslennykh ustavov po «Knige remesel» Eht'ena Bualo // Srednie veka. M., 1997. Vyp. 60. S. 89—106.
  14. Malov V. N. Zh.-B. Kol'ber. Absolyutistskaya byuro-kratiya i frantsuzskoe obschestvo. M., 1991.


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