Gender Studies and the Current Gender Research in Ancient Studies
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Gender Studies and the Current Gender Research in Ancient Studies
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Seeking to contribute to the developing field of gender research in antiquity, this article offers an overview of relevant publications in Russian and other languages over the period of the last twenty years. The author notes with regret that Russian works on ancient history tend to underestimate the heuristic potential of gender studies, unlike the current research in medieval history, Russian history, ethnology, sociology, and many other fields. She points out that approaching ancient history from the premises of feminism, masculinity, and the relatively recently established queer studies has come to complement the use of traditional methods of research. The high potential of gender research in ancient studies is to a large extent determined by the patriarchal nature of ancient Greek and Roman civilizations. By providing a non-traditional look at these civilizations, gender research allows us to substantially enrich our knowledge of many important developments in ancient Greek and Roman history.
classical antiquity, gender studies, feminism, masculinity, queer studies, historical methodology, historical interpretation
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  1. Arkhipova S. V., Selivanova L. L. Khatshepsut: zhenschina-faraon // Adam i Eva. M., 2002. № 3. S. 7—28.
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  3. Bordman Dzh. Chudesnoe zachatie i rozhdenie v grecheskoj mifologii. Per. s angl. i komm. L. L. Selivanovoj // Adam i Eva. Al'manakh gendernoj istorii / pod red. L. P. Repinoj. M.: «IVI RAN», 2008. № 15. S. 7—21.
  4. Val'dner K. Gendernye issledovaniya v naukakh o klassicheskoj drevnosti. Per. s nem. i komm. L. L. Selivanovoj // Adam i Eva. Al'manakh gendernoj istorii / pod red. L. P. Repinoj. M.: «IVI RAN», 2006. № 12. S. 318—328.
  5. Volchkov A. S. Prorochitsa, devstvennitsa, bludnitsa… Zhenschina i zhenskoe v rannem khristianstve // Adam i Eva. M., 2007. № 14. S. 121—144.
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  8. Dyubi Zh., Perro M. Rasskazyvaya istoriyu zhenschin // Istoriya zhenschin na Zapade. V 5 tt. T. I: Ot drevnikh bogin' do khristianskikh svyatykh / pod obsch. red. Zh. Dyubi i M. Perro; pod red. P. Shmitt-Pantel'; per. s angl., nauch. red. per. N. L. Pushkarevoj. SPb., 2005. S. 10—23.
  9. Zhenschina, sem'ya, gender v Antichnosti: izbrannaya rossijskaya bibliografiya (1992—2007) / cost. A. A. Pavlov // Adam i Eva. M., 2007. № 14. S. 235—243.
  10. Kvashnin V. A. Rimskie zhenschiny v politicheskoj zhizni srednej Respubliki // Adam i Eva. M., 2007. № 14. S. 50—71.
  11. Kon I. Muzhskie issledovaniya: menyayuschiesya muzhchiny v izmenyayuschemsya mire // Teoriya i metodologiya gendernykh issledovanij. Chast' II / cost. N. Yu. Fetisova. M.: «IVI RAN», 2006. S. 232—270.
  12. Kucherenko L. P. Sem'ya v deyatel'nosti rimskikh tsenzorov // Adam i Eva. M., 2007. № 14. S. 145—157.
  13. Lorber Dzh. Pol kak sotsial'naya kategoriya // Teoriya i metodologiya gendernykh issledovanij. Ch. I / sost. N. Yu. Fetisova. M.: «IVI RAN», 2006. S. 3—8.
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  15. Ledyuk K. Brak v Drevnej Gretsii // Istoriya zhenschin na Zapade. V 5 tt. T. I. SPb., 2005. S. 251—309.
  16. Lissarag F. Figury zhenschin // Istoriya zhenschin na Zapade. T. I. S. 167—248.
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  42. Selivanova L. L. Gendernye issledovaniya v antikovedenii // Adam i Eva. M., 2007. № 14. S. 7—36.
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  44. Selivanova L. L. Bosporskij rel'ef so stsenoj srazheniya: skify ili amazonki? // Problemy istorii, filologii, kul'tury. M.; Magnitogorsk; Novosibirsk, 2009. № 1 (23). S. 131—150.
  45. Selivanova L. L. Rossijskie amazonki na sluzhbe ee velichestva // Dialog so vremenem. Al'manakh intellektual'noj istorii. M.: «IVI RAN», 2010. Vyp. 31. S. 74—88.
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  48. Selivanova L. L. Zhenskie religioznye prazdniki i zhenskoe zdorov'e v Drevnej Gretsii (Fesmoforii) // Meditsina v khudozhestvennykh obrazakh: Stat'i. Vyp. 8—9 / cost. i gl. red. K. V. Zablotskaya. Donetsk, 2011. S. 61—74.
  49. Selivanova L. L. Samooskoplenie vo slavu Bogini // Adam i Eva. M., 2011. № 19. S. 7—36.
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  52. Selivanova L. L. «Belye golubi» i «Matereokhvachennye» gally // Adam i Eva. M., 2012. № 20. S. 116—165.
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  54. Selivanova L. L. Byk, Aleksandrijskij Verblyud i drugie atlety // Adam i Eva. M., 2013. № 21. S. 216—240.
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