Orthodoxy and Catholicism in correspondence of Vatican envoys to Estonia (1928—1940)
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Orthodoxy and Catholicism in correspondence of Vatican envoys to Estonia (1928—1940)
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The publication presents documents on the relationship of the Holy See and Estonia in the inter-war period. During this period, the Vatican showed interest in the possibility of advancement of Catholicism in the newly formed state. This activity of the Holy See was met with understanding from the Estonian political elite. Representatives of the latter believed that Union of the Estonian Orthodox Church with the Catholic Church will help reduce the impact, as the Orthodox religion and Lutheranism in the country. The idea of the Union had also the support among the Orthodox Estonians. Carriers of this idea have believed that the Union with the Catholic Church would serve the cause of breaking of ties with Russia and would strengthen the financial position of the Estonian Orthodox Church.
Estonia, the Holy See, the Estonian-Vatican relations, Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Lutheranism, Church union
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Additional sources and materials


  1. Archivio storico della II sezione della Segreteria di Stato (già Congregazione per gli Affari Ecclesiastici Straordinari — AA.EE.SS.). FondoPaesiBaltici.
  2. Archivio Segreto Vaticano (ASV). Arch.Nunz.Estonia.
  3. Archivio storico della Congregazione per le Chiese Orientali.


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  4. Zetterberg Seppo. Istoriya Ehstonskoj Respubliki. Tallin, 2013.
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  7. Komarov A. A., Tokareva E. S. Katolicheskaya tserkov' i formirovanie natsional'nogo samosoznaniya v Ehstonii v mezhvoennyj period (po dokumentam arkhivov Vatikana) // Gosudarstvo, religiya, tserkov' v Rossii i za rubezhom. M., 2014. № 4. S. 136—159.
  8. Mejmre A., Belobrovtsev V. I. Ehstonskaya pechat' 1920—1930-kh gg. o russkikh i russkoj kul'ture Ehstonii: tematicheskij obzor // «Ya» i «drugoj», svoe i chuzhoe v kul'ture Ehstonii. Sbornik statej / pod red. A. A. Danilevskij, S. N. Dotsenko. M., 2015. S. 60—89.
  9. Patriarkh Aleksij II. Pravoslavie v Ehstonii. M., 1999.
  10. Petrov I. V. Pravoslavie v Ehstonii v 1940 — nachale 1941 gg.: problemy vossoedineniya s Moskovskim Patriarkhatom // Vestnik Russkoj khristianskoj gumanitarnoj akademii. 2015. № 1.
  11. Petrov I. V. Pravoslavnaya Baltiya 1939­—1953 gg.: Period vojn, repressij i mezhnatsional'nykh protivorechij. SPb., 2016. S. 266—275.
  12. Pravoslavie v Ehstonii. Issledovaniya i dokumenty v dvukh tomakh. T. 1. Issledovaniya. T. 2. Dokumenty. M., 2010.
  13. Shvak Toomas. Problema kanonicheskoj yurisdiktsii v pravoslavnoj tserkvi Ehstonii // Russkij sbornik / redaktory-sostaviteli O. R. Ajrapetov, M. A. Kolerov, Bryus Menning, A. Yu. Polunov, Pol Chejsti. T. XIX. M., 2016. S. 543—583.
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