Regional Development of the Russian Joint-Stock Commercial Banks in the Second Half of the 19th Century: Statistics and GIS-Technologies
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Regional Development of the Russian Joint-Stock Commercial Banks in the Second Half of the 19th Century: Statistics and GIS-Technologies
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The article examines the growth and integration of regional banking markets in the Russian Empire in the early period, from the 1870s to the 1890s. The study is based on the regional data on the commercial bank units in 1874 and 1897. According to these data, we analyze the growth in brаnching, lending, and the lending rate differential between regions in 1874 and 1897. Using statistical methods, the article proves, including regression analysis and electronic mapping, that the early period was characterized primarily by the growth in grain export regions in Poland; the branch banking finally won in Russia; the lending rates were down, their spreads decreased, although the integration process was far from over. Another important trend of the period was the first signs of erosion of credit rationing, when the largest markets began to grow at the expense of less-privileged customers, which even led to some increase in average lending rates.
сommercial banking, the Russian Empire, interest rates, lending, financial integration, credit rationing, regional statistics
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