The Digital Turn in Historical Research: Plausible and Unevident
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The Digital Turn in Historical Research: Plausible and Unevident
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The article discusses the problem of the “digital turn” in historical studies that significantly affects the research practices, e.g. defining a new understanding of information modelling. Data-driven approach is a new feature of the research in the digital age, requiring computer processing, visualization and interpretation. Special attention is paid to such important components of historian’s “digital reality”, as a layer, an interface and a platform. Reviewed trends such as a possible appeal to the “big data” and mass collections of documents related to the transition to visuality of historical knowledge, the emergence of a new status of publicity in historical research due to the emergence of significant online collections.
digital turn, information modelling, digital history, layer, interface, platform
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Additional sources and materials

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  2. Arnold T., Tilton L. Humanities Data in R. Exploring Networks, Geospatial Data, Images, and Text. Springer, 2015.
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