“Good Bad” Commodus: Why and How the Image of Marcus Aurelius Heir Changed
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“Good Bad” Commodus: Why and How the Image of Marcus Aurelius Heir Changed
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Ivan Nikolsky 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS, School of Public Policy, Russian Presidental Academy (RANEPA)
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
The article deals with the problem of evolution of the image of the Roman emperor Commodus (180—192) in late antique and early medieval sources — in the context of changes, which happened in the political life and ideology of the epoch of decline and decay of the Roman Empire and of the first barbarian kingdoms in Europe and in North Africa. The focus is on the question, why after the several centuries of unanimous incessant condemning (p. e. texts of the 2nd — of the 4th century, works by Herodian, Dio Cassius, Aurelius Victor, SHA), which formed for Commodus a reputation of one of the most odious rulers of Rome, he suddenly appears — now as the good example to be followed — in the texts of the 5th — 7th century. (Dracontius, John Malalas, Eugene of Toledo). The explanations, which exist in modern literature on this subject, are assessed. The emphasis is made on the analysis of the work by Dracontius, Satisfactio (Satisfaction), which can be estimated as the turning point in the fate of Commodus as a literary character. The main conclusion is that this turning point was the result of the changes in the political landscape, due to which the role of the local traditions in representation of rulers grew rapidly, — and not the result of evolution of the Christian tradition.
Commodus, Dio Cassius, Dracontius, Roman Empire, Vandals, Byzantium, John Malalas, Carthage, antiquity, panegyrics
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Additional sources and materials

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  3. Nikol'skij I. M. Kogda i kak proizoshla «imperializatsiya» vandal'skoj Afriki // Mnemon: issledovaniya i publikatsii po istorii antichnogo mira. SPbGU. 2016. Vyp. 16.2. S. 249—264.
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  6. Blossius Aemilius Dracontius. Satisfactio ad Gunthamundum regem Wandalorum / ed. F. Vollmer // MGH. AA. XIV. Berlin, 1905. S. 114—131.
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  24. Ioannis Zonarae Epitome Historiarum. Leipzig: “Teubner”, 1868—1875. Vol. 1—6.
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  30. Ovid with an English translation: Tristia, Ex Ponto / ed. by A. L. Wheeler. London, 1924 (1959).
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Spisok sokraschenij

  1. ANRW — Aufstieg und Niedergang der Römischen Welt.
  2. Aur. Vict. De Caes. — Sexti Aurelii Victoris Liber de Caesaribus. Lipsiae, 1911.
  3. CFHB — Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae
  4. CHSB — Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae
  5. Dio Cass. — Cassius Dio Cocceianus. Roman History. London; New York. 1914 — (Loeb Classical Library).
  6. Eus. Caes. HE — Eusebius Pamphilius. The ecclesiastical history. Cambridge, 1980. (Loeb Classical Library).
  7. Gallica a. DXI. — Chronicorum a. DXI, pars Hieronymiana, (Chronica Gallica a. CCCCLII et DXI) // MGH AA IX. Berlin, 1892. S. 632—645.
  8. Herod. — Herodiani ab excessu divi Marci libri octo. Leipzig, 1883.
  9. Ioannis Zonarae Epitome Historiarum. Leipzig: “Teubner”, 1868—1875. Vol. 1—6.
  10. Jord. Rom. — Iordanis de summa temporum vel origine actibusque gentis Romanorum // MGH. AA. V. Berlin, 1882. S. 1—52.
  11. Mal. — Ioannis Malalae Chronographia // CSHB. Bonn, 1831.
  12. MGH AA — Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Auctores antiquissimi.
  13. Oros. Hist. — Paulus Orosius. Historiarum adversus paganos libri VII. Leipzig, 1889.
  14. Ovid Tristia — Ovid with an English translation: Tristia, Ex Ponto, ed. by A. L. Wheeler. London, 1924 (1959).
  15. Prosper Tiro, Epit. — Prosper Tiro. Epitome Chronicon edita primum a. CCCXXXIII continuata ad a. CCCIV / ed. Th. Mommsen // MGH AA IX. Berlin, 1892. S. 341—485.
  16. Sat. — Blossius Aemilius Dracontius. Satisfactio ad Gunthamundum regem Wandalorum / ed. F. Vollmer // MGH. AA. XIV. Berlin, 1905. S. 114—131.
  17. SHA — Scriptores Historiae Augustae (Had. — Hadrianus, Comm. — Commodus, Ver. — Verus). Vol. 1—3. Cambridge; London, 1921—1932.
  18. Symeonis magistri et logothetae Chron. — Symeonis magistri et logothetae Chronicon. Rec. S. Wahlgren. // CFHB. Vol. 44. Berlin, 2006. 



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