Information Systems in the Digital Environment of Historical Studies
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Information Systems in the Digital Environment of Historical Studies
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History-oriented systems are becoming more and more important element of the information environment of historical science and education. The article deals with the status and trends of history-oriented systems on the level of concepts, development approaches, content, sources, and other parameters. Several types of systems are characterized. Special attention is paid to the research potential of the resources and their means of instrumental support for various types of historical researches. The electronic catalog "History-oriented information systems" ( was used for the research. The catalog contains more than 800 Russian and foreign resources created in 1990—2015 and about 500 publications.
history-oriented system, information system, digital history, digital humanities, history-oriented database, historical information science
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Additional sources and materials

  1. Boonstra O., Breure L., Doorn P. Past, present and future of historical information science. Amsterdam, 2006.
  2. Gregory I. N. A Place in History: A Guide to Using GIS in Histroical Research. Oxford, 2002;
  3. Knowles A. C. Past time, past place: GIS for history. Redlands, 2004.
  4. Kropac I. Informationssysteme in der Geschichtswissenschaft. Konzeption und Anwendung am Beispiel der Prosopographischen Datenbank zur Geschichte der südöstlichen Reichsgebiete bis 1250 (PDB). Graz, 1988. 177 S.
  5. Povroznik N. Ideology of the Web 2.0 on service of the Historic Cultural Heritage Preservation // The Strategies of Modern Science Development: Proceedings of the IX International scientific–practical conference. North Charleston: CreateSpace, 2015. P. 17—19.
  6. Borodkin L. I., Garskova I. M. Istoricheskaya informatika: perezagruzka? // Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Seriya: Istoriya. 2011. № 2 (16). S. 5—11.
  7. Borodkin L. I. Istoricheskaya informatika v tochke bifurkatsii: dvizhenie k Historical Information Science // Krug idej: algoritmy i tekhnologii istoricheskoj informatiki. M.—Barnaul, 2005. C. 7—21.
  8. Vladimirov V. N. Istoricheskaya geoinformatika: geoinformatsionnye sistemy v istoricheskikh issledovaniyakh. Barnaul, 2005.
  9. Gagarina D. A., Kir'yanov I. K., Kornienko S. I. Istoriko-orientirovannye informatsionnye sistemy: opyt realizatsii «permskikh» proektov // Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Seriya: Istoriya. 2011. № 2 (16). S. 35—39.
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  12. Garskova I. M. «Ot prosopografii k statistike»: metodika analiza baz dannykh po istochnikam, soderzhaschim dinamicheskuyu informatsiyu // Informatsionnyj byulleten' Assotsiatsii «Istoriya i komp'yuter». 1995. № 14. S. 39—42.
  13. Vladimirov V. N. Istoricheskaya informatika: puti razvitiya // Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta. 2006. № 1. S. 86—92.
  14. Gutnov D. A., Pereverten' V. A. Rossijskie istoriki XVIII — nachala XX vv.: proekt i informatsionnaya sistema // Krug idej: novoe v istoricheskoj informatike. M., 1994. S. 45—58.
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  16. Ivanova G. V., Yumasheva Yu. Yu. Istoriografiya prosopografii // Krug idej: algoritmy i tekhnologii istoricheskoj informatiki. M., 2005. C.121—152.
  17. Kir'yanov I. K., Kornienko S. I., Gagarina D. A., Ryabukhin I. V. Informatsionnyj resurs po parlamentskoj istorii Rossii nachala XX v. // Vlast'. 2010. № 12. S.83—86.
  18. Kornienko S. I., Gagarina D. A., Maslennikov N. N., Pigaleva S. V. Istochniko-orientirovannaya baza dannykh kak osnova informatsionnoj sistemy dlya sokhraneniya i izucheniya permskikh gazet kolchakovskogo perioda // Krug idej: bazy dannykh v istoricheskikh issledovaniyakh. Barnaul: AZBUKA, 2013. S. 140—155.
  19. Kornienko S. I., Kir'yanov I. K., Gagarina D. A. Vlasova O. V. Istoriko-orientirovannye informatsionnye sistemy: ponyatie, klassifikatsiya i opisanie // Sborniki Prezidentskoj biblioteki. Seriya «Ehlektronnaya biblioteka» / nauch. red. E. D. Zhabko. Vyp. 5: Napravleniya razvitiya tsifrovogo bibliotechnogo, muzejnogo i arkhivnogo kontenta v sovremennoj informatsionnoj srede. SPb.: Prezidentskaya biblioteka, 2014. S. 96—112.
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  24. Yumasheva Yu. Yu. Istoricheskaya informatika v zerkale periodicheskogo izdaniya // Otechestvennaya istoriya. 2001. № 1. S. 117—121.
  25. Yaschenko Yu. V., Yaschenko A. V. Analiz istoricheskikh ehntsiklopedicheskikh resursov: metodika i rezul'taty // Materialy Mezhdunarodnogo molodezhnogo nauchnogo foruma «LOMONOSOV-2015». ISBN 978-5-317-04946-1.


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