The Eschatology of the Old Believers of the First Half of the 20th century According to the Materials of the Periodical Press
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The Eschatology of the Old Believers of the First Half of the 20th century According to the Materials of the Periodical Press
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Anna Sviridonova 
Affiliation: Russian State University for the Humanities
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
The article is a part of a larger research about the eschatological conceptions of the Russian old believers. At the same time it is a review of old believers’ periodical press of the 1900s—1920s, which illuminates the trends in the resolution of theological questions. Changes in views reflected in the controversy of the Popovtsy and the Bespopovtsy were a consequence of social and political transformations in the state and the society. Many of the cited articles belonged to the library of an ordinary old believer of the Soviet period, but scholars still have not paid attention to them.
the old believers, religion, eschatology, periodical press
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Additional sources and materials

  1. Alejnik M. E. Staroobryadchestvo v gody Vtoroj Mirovoj vojny (po materialam arkhivov): dis. ... kand. ist. nauk. M., 2012.
  2. Bagdasaryan V. Eh. Ehskhatologiya russkogo raskola // Dukhovnost'. 2002. № 1. C. 29—42.
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  4. Bessonov I. A. Russkaya narodnaya ehskhatologiya: istoriya i sovremennost'. M., 2014.
  5. Vopros podpischika // Slovo Tserkvi. 1915. № 51. S. 1142.
  6. Gde antikhrist? // Tserkov'. 1909. № 19. S. 623.
  7. Zhitie protopopa Avvakuma. M., 2011.
  8. Zol'nikova N. D. Polemika ob antikhriste u chasovennykh na vostoke Rossii v XX v. // Istochniki po russkoj literature: Srednevekov'e i Novoe vremya. Novosibirsk, 2000. S. 237—254.
  9. Kulikova I. S. Religioznye broshyury, posobiya po bezrabotitse i drugie «novshestva» sovremennoj zhizni: razmyshleniya staroverov-bespopovtsev Verkhokam'ya // Staroobryadchestvo: istoriya i sovremennost', mestnye traditsii, russkie i zarubezhnye svyazi. Ulan-Udeh, 2001. S. 75—78.
  10. Lur'e V. M. Tri ehskhatologii. Russkaya ehskhatologiya do i posle velikogo raskola // Mir pravoslaviya. Sb. nauch. statej. Vyp. 3. Volgograd, 2000. 
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  12. Okruzhnoe poslanie staroobryadcheskikh episkopov, izdannoe 24-go fevralya 1862 g. M., 1911.
  13. Otvet podpischiku // Slovo Tserkvi. 1915. № 45. S. 1027.
  14. Otvety redaktsii // Tserkov'. 1909. № 20. S. 669—670.
  15. Pri «svobode» sovesti // Slovo Tserkvi. 1915. № 50. S. 1117.
  16. Pul'kin M. V. Samosozhzheniya staroobryadtsev (seredina XVII—XIX vv.) M., 2013.
  17. Romanova N. I. Ehskhatologicheskie predstavleniya staroobryadtsev // Vestnik Kemerovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kul'tury i iskusstv. 2012. № 18. S. 42—52.
  18. Spory ob antikhriste sredi bezpopovtsev // Tserkov'. 1911. № 4. S. 87—89.
  19. Stikh ob antikhriste // Rodnaya starina. 1928. № 4. S. 7.
  20. Frolov G. E. [Ehlektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya: 11.10.2016).
  21. Frolov G. E. O poslednikh dnyakh chelovecheskikh // Rodnaya starina. 1929. № 7. S. 15—17.


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