Databases and Reconstruction of Social Profile of Terror Victims: Historiography
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Databases and Reconstruction of Social Profile of Terror Victims: Historiography
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Catherine Mishina 
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Nowadays reconstruction of social profile of different groups of people is a very popular theme in historical studies. This article dwells on historiography of social portrait of terror victims. This theme remains relevant instead of vast literature, particularly a question who and for what reason became a terror victim in 1920s and 1930s. Reconstruction of social profile of these people helps to ask a question above quiet in full and to conduct a comparative analysis of the dynamic of repressions in different regions of the former USSR. The process of working with mass historical sources such as investigation cases needs an adequate means of representation and analysis of them, and the best is a database. Its modeling raises some research questions from selection of appropriate model to representation of results of the analysis. In our work we consider current experience of modeling databases of terror victims in different regions of the former USSR. The first part of the article is dedicated to this theme. In the second part the author draws attention to the examples of reconstruction of social profiles of some kind of terror victims — “former people”, persons without vote rights, victims of political repressions. The main sources for these works are archival investigation cases and memory books created on their base, which consist of short biographic cards on terror victims. In current research we consider works with analysis of existing or self-made databases emanate from the tasks of each research.
social profile, terror victims, historiography, databases, investigation cases, “memory books”, 1930s
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