Historical Research in the Moscow Theological Academy, 1840—1870
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Historical Research in the Moscow Theological Academy, 1840—1870
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Eugene Lutjko 
Affiliation: St. Tikhons Orthodox University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Author tries to describe the historical research in the mid-19th century Moscow Theological Academy through the concept of “research practice”. Starting from the Bourdieusian “field of science” where “science” is a “system of practices”, the author describes the institutionalization of the research within the activity of some professors from the Moscow Theological Academy. ‘Research daily routine’ is the basis for the number of “research practices” within the Academy, such as seminars or the “identity of the academic succession”. At the same time professors go beyond the area of Academy in the “field of historical science” through the publishing activity and the informal interaction with other actors in the process of gaining historical knowledge.
research daily routine, field of science, Moscow Theological Academy, clergy estate, professionalization of historical research
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Additional sources and materials

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