The City of God and the Сivitas Terrena in the Latin Exegesis of the 12th century
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The City of God and the Сivitas Terrena in the Latin Exegesis of the 12th century
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The article explores how the exegesis of urban themes of Scripture and the reception patristic traditions of understanding the city of God (predominantly, the Augustine`s concept of the civitas Dei and the civitas terrena) both elucidate and conceptualize the reality and experience of authors of the 12th century. The analysis of the history of exegetical interpretation of the urban forms is combined with the search for the paradigm shift in the medieval conception of the civitas Dei. The principal questions are how do different but fixed by the patristic authority ways of interpreting Scriptures give rise to different concepts of urban spaces, how have theologians gone about interpreting the city and in what ways might the chosen strategies of interpretation be both presumptuous and oppressive to other ways of thinking the city. The research is based on the analysis of exegetical treatises of the early Cistercians (Bernard of Clairvaux, Isaac of Stella), Benedictins (Rupert of Deutz, Bernard of Cluny), Regular Canons (Richard of Saint-Victor, Hugo of Saint-Victor). The article addresses the following issues: how the city of God was imagined and visualized in the exegesis of the 12th century (cloister, city, church); the perception of the patristic exegesis in different monastic traditions and the paradigm shift of the 12th century; cloister as the city of God and monks as citizens.
exegesis, medieval city, monastic theology, regular canons, Cluniacs, Cistercians
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Additional sources and materials

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