The System for Defending the Rights of National Minorities of the League of Nations and Its Place in the Development of International Standards of Self-Determination of Nations
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The System for Defending the Rights of National Minorities of the League of Nations and Its Place in the Development of International Standards of Self-Determination of Nations
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The article deals with causes and circumstances of the creation by the great powers the institution of the protection of national minorities under the aegis of the League of Nations. At the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 the great powers imposed this institution on newly created and expanding countries of Central and Southeastern Europe. Its objective was to prevent a threat of conflicts between titular nations and national minorities that were included in these states. The author describes the system operation mechanism, reveals its defects, exposes attempts at improving and finally depicts its fiasco in 1930s. The blame for the failure might be placed on Poland and Germany as well.
national question, the First World War, national self-determination, 1919 Versailles Conference, defects in the system of the defense of the national minorities rights, Poland, the Third Reich, right for national self-determination
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Additional sources and materials

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