Chambers of Rhetoric in the Low Countries and the Ghent Contest of 1539
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Chambers of Rhetoric in the Low Countries and the Ghent Contest of 1539
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Article deals with the dramatic societies in the Low Countries whose members were interested in theater and poetry known as chambers of rhetoric (Dutch: rederijkkamers or rederijkerskamers). Chambers of rhetoric were very active in the Southern as well as the Northern Low Countries and are considered as peculiar corporations, similar to guilds. They provided plays and poetry for different kinds of festivities. Each chamber had its poetic name, coat of arms and motto. The head of the chamber (“prince”) was chosen from its most noble members. By the late 15th century there were over 300 chambers of rhetoric in the Low Countries and this number increased trice in the 16th century. Chambers from Flemish and Brabantian towns were the most famous ones. Public contests of chambers of one province or several provinces had been held since the 15th century. The most part of urban communities participated in these lush festivities of chambers of rhetoric that competed in declamation and different drama performances (moralité, farce, mystery plays, and miracles). The best of them got precious prizes, rhetorician’s poems and plays were published in special anthologies after the contest. Ghent contest of 1539 became one the most famous competitions of rhetoricians mainly because of the fierce social problems discussed during the event. The author focuses on Ghent’s case to analyze these drama performances that played an important part in urban life.
the Low Countries, Charles V, Chambers of Rhetoric, Urban Festivals, Contest of Chambers of Rhetoric in Ghent 1539
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Additional sources and materials

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