City as a Place of Communication. Events in Reval in 1536 as a Reflection of Class and Political Contacts in Livonia in the 16th Century
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City as a Place of Communication. Events in Reval in 1536 as a Reflection of Class and Political Contacts in Livonia in the 16th Century
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The article examines the city as a communicative space in the light of case studies. Events in Revel in 1536 associated with the arrival of the landmaster of the Teutonic Order that should take the oath were discussed as an example. Inside the town there were a few communication places between landlord and his vassals, and between the classes. They were the castle, the town hall and the town hall square. The castle and the town hall (the place of bringing and taking the oath) served as a space for contact between landlord and his vassals. The Town Hall Square, where the tournament was held, was not only a place of communication of the vassals with landlord, but of the burghers with a knighthood. In addition, taking into account the popularity of evangelismus in the time of Reformation, in 1536 we consider the town hall, the town hall square and the castle as places of interaction between Catholics and Protestants, i. e. religious communication has moved beyond the church.
landmaster, Teutonic order, Reval, communication, Brüggeney, town hall
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Additional sources and materials

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