Report of 2012—2015 Research Relating to the Russian-American Company Ship Neva and Potential Shipwreck Survivor Camp, Alaska
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Report of 2012—2015 Research Relating to the Russian-American Company Ship Neva and Potential Shipwreck Survivor Camp, Alaska
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In 2012, the author led a team of archaeologists from the Alaska Office of History and Archaeology, the U.S. Forest Service, and the Sitka Historical Society to search for evidence of the Russian-American Company ship NEVA, known to have wrecked near Sitka in January 1813. The project received additional support from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation. Based on information from survivor accounts, aerial images and overflights, information on historic tides, and interviews with local divers, the team discovered Russian artifacts at a location believed to represent the NEVA survivors’ camp. With funding from the U.S. National Science Foundation (Award PLR-1330939), the author returned to the site in July 2015, with an international team of American, Russian, and Canadian scientists to conduct survey and excavations. The results of the field investigation, along with archival research by Evguenia Anichtchenko and the author in St. Petersburg and London, are adding details to our knowledge of the NEVA’s history and of survival in a harsh environment.
NEVA, Russian-American Company, shipwreck, Sitka, archaeological excavations, survival, environment
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  1. Anichtchenko E. V. Ships of the Russian-American Company: 1799—1867. MA Thesis. Department of History. East Carolina University. Greenville, 2004.
  2. Barratt G. The Russian Discovery of Hawai’i: The Ethnographicand Historic Record. Editions Limited, 1987.
  3. Beattie O., Geiger J. Frozen in Time: Unlocking the Secrets of the Franklin Expedition. Saskatoon: Western Producer Prairie Books, 1989.
  4. Bering: The Russian Discovery of America / ed. by O. W. Frost. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2003.
  5. Berkh V. N. Description of the Unfortunate Shipwreck of the Frigate NEVA of the Russian-American Company // The Wreck of the NEVA / annot. and trans. by A. Shalkop, with an introd. by A. Shalkop, R. Pierce. Anchorage: Published by the Alaska Historical Society and Sitka Historical Society, and partially funded through a grant from the Alaska Historical Commission, 1979.
  6. Brackett C., McMahan D., Kleyman J. Exploring Russian-American Trade through Comparison of Chemical XRF Signatures of Glass from Colonial Russian Sites in Alaska and the Tal’tsinka Factory in Central Siberia. Presentation and poster at: the “37th International Symposium on Archaeometry”. Siena, Italy. 12—16 May 2008; and the “9th International Conference on ART2008”. Jerusalem, Israel 25—30 May 25–30 2008.
  7. Cantelas F. J. Personal communication to J. D. McMahan in August 2012.
  8. Cantelas F. J., Runyan T. J., Anichtchenko E, Rogers J. Exploring the Russian-American Company Shipwreck Kad’yak. Maritime Studies Program, East Carolina University. Final Report (2005) prepared for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of Ocean Exploration, for Grant № NA04OAR4600043.
  9. Centennial Press. Newsletter of the Alaska State Centennial Commission for October, 1963. From the personal files of George Hall.
  10. Cooper H. K., Duke M. J. M., McMahan J. D., Cantelas F., Wayman M. L. Analysis of Metallurgical Activity at Castle Hill, A Historic Russian Site in Sitka, Alaska. Paper, Chacmool Conference. 2005.
  11. Crowell A. L. Archaeology and the Capitalist World System: A Study from Russian America. N. Y., L.: Plenum Press, 1997.
  12. DeArmond R. N. Baranov’s Fleet // Alaska Life the Territorial Magazine. Seattle: Alaska Life Publishing Company, 1946.
  13. Dilliplane T. (Ty) L. Investigating Russian Cultural Change and Stability in Russian America: Initial Results // Russian America: Materials of the III International Scientific Conference “Russian America”. Irkutsk. 8—12 August 2007. Russian Federal Agency of Culture and Cinematography; Department of Culture and Archives of the Irkutsk Region; State Culture Institution; and the Taltsi Architectural and Ethnographic Museum. Irkutsk, 2007.
  14. Dilliplane T. (Ty) L. Russian Cultural Change // Stability in Russian America: Examining Kolmakovsky Redoubt. Two Centuries of U. S. — Russia Diplomatic Relations Conference. Moscow, 2007.
  15. Dilliplane T. (Ty) L. The Isolation of Russian America: Searching for Traditional Russian Seagoing Behaviors. Maritime Conference in the Humanities: Literature, History, and Culture, 2009. Massachusetts Maritime Academy, Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts.
  16. Dilliplane T. (Ty) L. Russian Cultural Change // Stability in Russian America: Examining Kolmakovsky Redoubt, Part II. 2010 International Conference on Russian America, Sitka, Alaska. In Press.
  17. Dilliplane T. (Ty) L. Progress Report: Research on Russian Cultural Change // Stability in Russian America. Given by invitation to special symposium on Russian America, hosted by Ryazan State University Named for S. A. Yesenin. Ryazan. August 2011. Trip supported by NSF funding.
  18. Dilliplane T. (Ty) L. Progress Report: Research on Russian Cultural Change // Stability in Russian America. Given by invitation to special symposium on Russian America, hosted by Vologda Museum. Vologda. August 2011. Trip supported by NSF funding.
  19. Dilliplane T. (Ty) L. Russian Cultural Change // Stability in Russian America: Examining Kolmakovsky Redoubt, Part IIIA. Ft. Ross Bicentennial Conference. Santa Rosa, 2012.
  20. Frederick R. A. Forward // The Wreck of the NEVA / trans. by A. Shalkop, with an introd. by A. Shalkop, R. Pierce. Anchorage: Published by the Alaska Historical Society and Sitka Historical Society, and partially funded through a grant from the Alaska Historical Commission. 1979. P. 7.
  21. Galovnin V. M. The Loss of the Russian-American Company Ship NEVA on the Northwestern Shore of America, Near Cape Edgecumbe, on the Latitude of 57 degrees 11, on the 9th of January 1813 // The Wreck of the NEVA / annot. and trans. by A. Shalkop, with an introd. by A. Shalkop, R. Pierce. Anchorage: published by the Alaska Historical Society and Sitka Historical Society, and partially funded through a grant from the Alaska Historical Commission. 1864.
  22. Gibbs M. The Archaeology of Crisis: Shipwreck Survivor Camps in Australasia // Historical Archaeology. 2003. Vol. 37. № 1. P. 128—145. Historical Archaeology 2012, a grant from the Alaska Historical Commission, Anchorage.
  23. Gibson J. R. Imperial Russia in Frontier America: The Changing Geography of Supply of Russian America, 1784—1867. N. Y.: Oxford University Press, 1976.
  24. Henrikson S. Correspondence between Steve Henrikson, Curator at the Alaska State Museum, and Mike Burwell, US Minerals Management Service. 1999. Digitized records provided by M. Burwell in 2012.
  25. Kankaiibun / ed. by Ootsuki GENTAKU, Tsudayuu. 1805. Vol. 14—15.
  26. Krusenstern A. J. von. Voyage Round the World, in the Years 1803—1806, by order of His Imperial Majesty Alexander the First, on board the Ships Nadeshda and Neva. L.: Printed by Roworth [I] and T. Davison [II] for John Murray and the Board of Longitude, 1813.
  27. Langsdorff G. H. von. A Voyage Around the World 1803—1807 / ed. by R. A. Pierce. Kingston: Limestone Press, 1993.
  28. Larsen C. F., Motyka R. J., Freymueller J. T., Echelmeyer K. A., Ivins E. R. Rapid uplift of southern Alaska caused by recent ice loss // Geophysical Journal International. 2004. Vol. 158. № 3. P. 1118—1133.
  29. Lisiansky U. A voyage round the world: in the years 1803—1806; performed by Order of His Imperial Majesty, Alexander the First, Emperor of Russia, in the Ship NEVA, by UreyLisiansky, Captainin the Russian Navy and Knight of the Orders of St. George and St. Vladimir. L., 1814.
  30. Maschner H., Betts M., Benson B., Tews A., Mack S. Archaeology on Sanak // Sanak Island, Alaska: A Natural and Cultural History / ed. by K. L. Reedy-Maschner, Maschner H. D. G. Pocatello: Idaho Museum of Natural History, 2012.
  31. Massov A. The Visit of the Russian Sloop Neva to Sydney in 1807: 200 Years of Russian-Australian Contacts // Australian Slavonic and East European Studies (ASEES). 2006. Vol. 20. № 1—2. P. 203—214.
  32. McMahan J. D. Search for the NEVA Wreck Site: 200th Anniversary Expedition: Report of 2012 Investigations. Unpublished [restricted] document on file at the Office of History and Archaeology, Alaska Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation. Anchorage, 2012.
  33. McMahan J. D. Submerged Cultural Resource Management on the Last Frontier. Paper presented at the International Submerged Lands Conference. Girdwood. 11 May 2011.
  34. McMahan J. D. Exploring Alaska’s Colonial Russian Heritage through International Collaborations: 2004—2011. Public talk at the State Office Building, Anchorage, 2011. Repeated for the Alaska Prospector’s Society in 2012. A shorter version was presented to the Alaska Historical Commission and Lt. Governor.
  35. McMahan J. D. The Assessment of Data Potential for Select Colonial Russian Sites in Sitka: Results of Cooperative American — Russian Investigations. Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Russian America, Sitka National Historical Park and the Sitka Historical Society, in press.
  36. McMahan J. D. The Archaeology of Russian Colonial Sites in Alaska: Recent and Current Research // Proceedings of the Bicentennial of Russian-American Relations, the History of Russian America / ed. by A. Petrov. Moscow: Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2009.
  37. McMahan J. D. Southeast Alaska Historical Sites, Featuring Sitka [Castle Hill] // Archaeology in America: An Encyclopedia. Vol. 4 (West Coast and Arctic/Subarctic) / ed. by L. S. Cordell, K. Lightfoot, F. McManamon, G. Milner. Santa Barbara: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2008.
  38. McMahan J. D. Exploring Underwater Heritage on the Last Frontier: Recent Partnerships and Projects in the State of Alaska // Foghorn. 2008. Vol. 19. № 2. March—April 2008. Vancouver: Underwater Archaeological Society of British Columbia, 2008.
  39. McMahan J. D. An Overview of the Archaeology of Russian America: the Past, Present, and Future // Russian America: Materials of the Third International Scientific Conference “Russian America” / ed. by G. V. Afanasieve-Medvedeva, T. A. Kriuchkova, Y. P. Lykhin, A. K. Nefedieva, V. V. Tikhonov. Federal Agency of Culture and Cinematography, Department of Culture and Archives of the Irkutsk Region, and Architectural and Ethnographic Museum ‘Taltsi’. 2007. P. 133—147.
  40. McMahan J. D. Management of Alaska’s Submerged Cultural Resources: A Current Assessment // Cultural Resource Management in Alaska / ed. by D. K. Hanson. Special issue: Alaska Journal of Anthropology. 2007. Vol. 5. No. 2. P. 55—66.
  41. McMahan J. D. Alaska’s Submerged History: The Wreck of the Kad’yak (in English and Russian) // Proceedings of the international conference: Beringia Days 2006. Shared Beringian Heritage Program. Alaska Region. United States National Park Service. Anchorage, 2007.
  42. McMahan J. D. The Castle Hill Archaeological Project, Sitka, Alaska: Overview of an Early 19th Century Russian American Artifact Assemblage // Journal of the Architectural and Ethnographic Museum Talci. Irkutsk, 2006. Vol. 5. P. 7—25.
  43. McMahan J. D. Archaeological Data Recovery at Baranof Castle State Historic Site, Sitka, Alaska: Final Report of Investigations. ADOT&PF Project  №. 71817/TEA-000-3[43] / ed. by J. D.McMahan. Office of History and Archaeology Report № 84. Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation, Alaska Department of Natural Resources. Anchorage, 2002.
  44. McMahan J. D. Castle Hill Collection (in Japanese) // The Sea Otter and Glass Beads: Trade of Indigenous Peoples in the North Pacific Rim. Exhibition catalog. Japanese National Museum of Ethnology. Osaka, 2001.
  45. McMahan J. D. Archaeology at Alaska’s Castle Hill, the Colonial Capital of Russian America // Unseen Treasures: Imperial Russia and the New World. Wash., D. C.: American-Russian Cultural Cooperation Foundation. Moscow: the Russian State Historical Museum, 1999. P. 17—22.
  46. McMahan J. D., Thompson D. Chapter 7: An Overview of the Artifact Assemblage // Archaeological Data Recovery at Baranof Castle State Historic Site, Sitka, Alaska: Final Report of Investigations. ADOT&PF Project № 71817/TEA-000-3[43] / Ed. by J. D. McMahan. Office of History and Archaeology Report № 84. Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation, Alaska Department of Natural Resources. Anchorage, 2002.
  47. Moessner V. J. Translator’s Introduction // A Voyage Around the World 1803—1807, by Georg Heinrichvon Langsdorff / Ed. by R. A. Pierce. Kingston: Limestone Press, 1993.
  48. Moessner V. J. First Russian Voyage around the World: The Journal of Hermann Ludwig von Lowenstern 1803—1806. Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press, 2003.
  49. Muckelroy K. Maritime Archaeology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1978.
  50. Pierce R. A. Russia’s Hawaiian Adventure, 1815—1817. Kingston: Limestone Press, 1976.
  51. Pierce R. A. Record of Maritime Disasters in Russian America: 1800—1867 // Proceedings of the Alaska Marine Archaeology Workshop. Sitka. 17—19 May 1983 / ed. by S. J. Langdon. Fairbanks: University of Alaska, Alaska Sea Grant College Program. Sea Grant Report 83—9. September 1983.
  52. Pierce R. A. Russian America: A Biographical Dictionary. Kingston, Fairbanks: Limestone Press, 1990.
  53. Rogers J. S., Anichtchenko E., McMahan J. D. Alaska’s Submerged History: The Wreck of the Kad’yak // Alaska Park Science. 2008. Vol. 7. № 2. P. 28—33. Alaska Geographic. Anchorage.
  54. The Recovery of Meaning: Historical Archaeology in the Eastern United States / ed. by M. P. Leone, P. B. Potter Smithsonian Institution Press. 1988.
  55. The Wreck of the NEVA / annot. and trans. by A. Shalkop, with an introd. by A. Shalkop, R. Pierce. Anchorage: Published by the Alaska Historical Society and Sitka Historical Society, and partially funded through a grant from the Alaska Historical Commission. 1979.
  56. Tikhmenev P. A., Pierce R. A., Donnelly A. S. A History of the Russian-American Company. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1978.
  57. Tornfelt E. E., Burwell M. Shipwrecks of the Alaskan Shelf and Shore. OCS Report // MMS 92-0002. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Alaska OCS Region. Anchorage, 1992.
  58. Viires A. Woodworking in Estonia: Historical Survey. Israel Program for Scientific Translations. Jerusalem [translated from Estonian], 1969. Originally published in 1960.
  59. Wilber Glenn (publisher). NEVA — Russian Man of War // Sitka — our “Land of Destiny”. Sitka: Pamphlet published by Alaska Publications, 1993. A Copy on file at the Sitka Historical Society Museum.


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