Finding Sea and Water Routes Connecting the Eurasian Arctic and Former Russian America
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Finding Sea and Water Routes Connecting the Eurasian Arctic and Former Russian America
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This article depicts all the possible ways that western Pomor trade helped to develop sea routes to the East. People from Russia, Norway, Sweden and other neighboring countries tried to explore the Arctic by going North and Northeast. The article also examines theories concerning rumors that several ships ended up in Alaska in Ivan the Terrible's time. In addition, the article shows that the Russian American Company (RAC) had success in sending many expedions. This article is based on various resources that the author got from libraries and archives and on his professional experience in Svalbard and Archangelsk academic settings.
Russian America, Artcic, colonization, Pomor’, Norway
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Additional sources and materials

  1. Arkheologi TGU sozdali 3D-modeli korablej vremen osvoeniya Sibiri // Archaeologists of the State University of Tomsk have constructed 3D models of old Siberian vessels. Researchers Mikhail Vavulin and Andrey Pushkarev of the laboratory for interdisciplinary archaeology “Artifact”. 2016. [Ehlektronnyj resurs]. URL:
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  13. Gorter A., Gorter W., Minaeva T. Kulturminner fra russisk overvintringsfangst på 800 nord, pomorenes nordligste fangstområde på Svalbard // Polarboken. Oslo: Norsk Polarklubb, 2011—2012. P. 136—157.
  14. Gorter W. Hunting Expeditions, Exploration, Resources and Trade in the Historic Semicircle of the Eurasian Arctic, Including Svalbard (Spitsbergen), the North Calotte Area in Scandinavia, Siberia and Alaska: a Russian Pomor Rhapsody from Barents’ Time until the Euro-Arctic Barents Region // Trudy Kyakhtinskogo kraevedcheskogo muzeya imeni akademika V. A. Obrucheva, Buryatskogo respublikanskogo Kyakhtinskogo otdeleniya Russkogo geograficheskogo obschestva. Ulan-Ude, 2013. T. XX.
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