Socio-Cultural Innovations of Russian America in the Contemporary Reality of the USA
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Socio-Cultural Innovations of Russian America in the Contemporary Reality of the USA
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The article is devoted to the presence and influence of the main traditions of the Russian Orthodox Church in Alaska from the time of the first Orthodox mission until today. Alaska had an unusual historical experience in which there was interaction of three different cultures: the autochthonous, the Russian and the American involving U.S. citizens. This brought about a melding which says a great deal about the Russian presence in Alaska. Many phenomena of contemporary social and political life in Alaska were introduced and inculcated by Russian Orthodox missionaries. These missionaries also assisted in vaccinating the Alaskan population, even after it became U.S. territory
Russian America, Russian Orthodox Church, history, Alaska, California, missionaries, cultures
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Additional sources and materials

  1. Kapalin G. M. Obraschenie tlinkitov k russkoj dukhovnoj kul'ture v amerikanskij period // Vestnik Tyumenskogo Gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya «Istoriya». Tyumen', 2014. № 2. S. 35—44.
  2. Kliment (Kapalin), mitropolit. Sotsiokul'turnyj aspekt missionerskogo sluzheniya na Alyaske svyatitelya Innokentiya (Veniaminova) // Vestnik Tambovskogo universiteta. Tambov, 2014. Vyp. 1 (129). S. 119—123.
  3. Kliment (Kapalin), mitropolit. Pravoslavie na Alyaske: retrospektiva razvitiya v 1741—1917 gg. Tver', 2014.
  4. Kliment (Kapalin), mitropolit. Russkaya Pravoslavnaya Tserkov' na Alyaske do 1917 g. M., 2009.
  5. Krauss M. Eh. Yazyki korennogo naseleniya Alyaski: proshloe, nastoyaschee i buduschee // Traditsionnye kul'tury Severnoj Sibiri i Severnoj Ameriki. M., 1981. S. 149—181.
  6. Petrov A. Yu., Kliment (Kapalin) mitropolit, Malakhov M. G., Ermolaev A. N., Savel'ev I. V. Istoriya i nasledie Russkoj Ameriki // Vestnik Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk. 2011. № 12. S. 1090—1099.
  7. Dauenhauer R. L. Education in Russian America // Russian America: the Forgotten Frontier / ed. by Barbara Sweetland Smih & R. J. Barnett. Tacoma, 1990. P. 155—163.
  8. Smith B. S. Orthodoxy and Native Americans: The Alaskan Mission. Syosset, New York, 1980.
  9. White R. The Middle Ground. Indians, Empires, and Republics in the Great Lakes Region, 1650—1815. Cambridge, 1991.
  10. Zmanenski A. Shamanism and Christianity. Native Encounters with Russian Orthodox Missions in Siberia and Alaska, 1820—1977. Westport, Connecticut — L., 1999.


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