Scientific Forums as a Field for Collaboration of British Historians and Soviet Specialists in British Studies
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Scientific Forums as a Field for Collaboration of British Historians and Soviet Specialists in British Studies
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The author proceed from the belief that a research of the Soviet historiography demands a proper analysis of its organizational specificity, its concrete content, dynamics of its development and the effectiveness of scholarly contacts between Soviet historians and foreign researchers, representatives of world professional community. The paper considers one of the segments of this field of research — the long-term collaboration of Soviet specialists in British Studies and British historians in particular form of scientific forums — bilateral scholarly colliquia conducted in turns in the United Kingdom and in the Soviet Union under the aegis of the National Committees of Historians of the both countries. The documents preserved in the archive of the Russian National Committee of Historians allow to know concrete details of this long scholarly dialogue, its participants, problems under discussion, character and course of debates and even the preliminary efforts of the both sides to prepare a number of meetings.
Soviet historiography, scholarly contacts, dialogue of historians of the USSR and UK, ideology, politics, intellectual culture
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Additional sources and materials

  1. Barg M. A. Istoricheskoe soznanie kak problema istoriografii // Voprosy istorii. 1982. № 12. S. 49—66. Perepech.: «Tsep' vremen»: Problemy istoricheskogo soznaniya / otv. red. L. P. Repina. M.: IVI RAN, 2005. S. 12—37.
  2. Barg M. A. Ehpokhi i idei. Stanovlenie istorizma. M.: «Mysl'», 1987. 350 s.
  3. Bolton Dzh. L. Anglo-baltijskaya torgovlya // Problemy britanskoj istorii. M.: «Nauka», 1984. S. 14—25.
  4. Gutnova E. V. Perezhitoe. M.: ROSSPEhN, 2001.
  5. Gutnova E. V. Nekotorye problemy anglo-baltijskoj torgovli v XVI v. // Problemy britanskoj istorii. M.: «Nauka», 1984. S. 29—32.
  6. Emel'yanova N. V. IX kollokvium sovetskikh i anglijskikh istorikov // Problemy britanskoj istorii. M.: Nauka, 1987. S. 274—277.
  7. Koroleva N. G., Ostapenko G. S. VI konferentsiya sovetskikh i anglijskikh istorikov // Novaya i novejshaya istoriya. 1975. № 2. C. 202—204.
  8. O predstoyaschem VIII sovetsko-anglijskom kollokviume 1982 g. // Problemy britanskoj istorii. 1982. M.: «Nauka», 1982. S. 252.
  9. Osipova T. S. K voprosu ob anglo-baltijskoj torgovle v XVI v. // Problemy britanskoj istorii. 1984. M.: «Nauka», 1984. S. 26—28.
  10. Ostapenko G. S. VIII anglo-sovetskij kollokvium istorikov // Novaya i novejshaya istoriya. 1983. № 1. S. 209—211.
  11. Ostapenko G. S. VIII anglo-sovetskij kollokvium (informatsiya) // Problemy britanskoj istorii. 1984. M.: «Nauka», 1984. S. 5—13.
  12. Otchet o Kh-m kollokviume istorikov SSSR i Velikobritanii (Moskva, 17—18 oktyabrya 1988 g.) // Problemy britanskoj istorii. M.: IVI RAN, 1990. S. 352—359.
  13. Pavlova T. A. Ob idejnom mire anglijskikh revolyutsionerov // Problemy britanskoj istorii. 1984. M.: «Nauka», 1984. S. 33—38.
  14. Tupoleva L. F. Anglijskij prosvetitel' Dzhonatan Svift i Irlandiya // Problemy britanskoj istorii. 1984. M.: «Nauka», 1984. S. 39—46.
  15. Udal'tsov E. I. Sed'moj kollokvium istorikov SSSR i Anglii. London, 7—9 marta 1978 g. // Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR. 1978. № 12. 1978. S. 68—69.
  16. Yastrebitskaya A. L. Istoriografiya i istoriya kul'tury // Odissej. Chelovek v istorii. 1992. M.: «Nauka», 1992. S. 69—71.


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