Information Policy of “The British Gazette” During the General Strike in 1926
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Information Policy of “The British Gazette” During the General Strike in 1926
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The author of this article analyses the contents of the paper “The British Gazette”, which the British government issued during the General Strike May 4—12 1926. A. Prokopov examines general information policy of the paper, investigates the attitude of the government towards the strike, its participants and blacklegs. Winston Churchill, who was the editor-in-chief of “The British Gazette”, tried to undermine the unity of the strikers, to intimidate them, to depict them as enemies of Great Britain, as if they had violated all foundations of British society. The author comes to the conclusion that the government, using “The British Gazette”, was waging real informational war against the strikers.
Great Britain, government news paper “The British Gazette”, The General Strike 1926, strikes, Stanley Baldwin, Winston Churchill
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Additional sources and materials

  1. Gurovich P. Vseobschaya stachka v Anglii 1926 g. M., 1959.
  2. Dzhems M. Vseobschaya stachka i bor'ba uglekopov v Anglii. M., 1926.
  3. Mehrrej Dzh. Vseobschaya stachka 1926 g. v Anglii. Istoricheskij ocherk. M., 1954.
  4. British Gazette. May 5—13, 1926.
  5. British Worker. May 5—7, 1926.
  6. Burns E. General Strike. Trades Councils in Action. L., 1975.
  7. Farmen Ch. The General Strike. May 1926. L., 1972.
  8. Florey R. The General Strike of 1926. L., N. Y., 1980.
  9. The General Strike 1926. L., 1976.
  10. The General Strike in the North-East. L., 1961.
  11. Gildart K. The Women and Men of 1926: A Gender and Social History of the General Strike and Miners' Lockout in South Wales // Journal of British Studies. July 2011.
  12. James R. R. Memoirs of A Conservative. J. C. C. Davidson’s Memoirs and Papers. L., 1969.
  13. Manson A. Symons J. The General Strike. A Historical Portrait. L., 1957.
  14. Morris M. The General Strike. L., 1980.
  15. Mowat Ch. Britain Between the Wars. L., 1955.
  16. Renshaw P. Nine days that Shook Britain. N. Y., 1976.
  17. Perkins. A. A Very British Strike: 3—12 May 1926. L., 2008.
  18. Skelley J. The General Strike 1926. L., 1976.
  19. Taylor A. J. P. English History. 1914—1945. Oxford, 1992.


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