Marquis of Hartington and the Whigs in the Political Fates of English Liberals in 1870s
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Marquis of Hartington and the Whigs in the Political Fates of English Liberals in 1870s
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The article is devoted to the analysis of the aristocratic Whigs in the political life of the Liberal Party in the period of the Conservative government of B. Disraeli (1874—1880). The problems of the election of the party leader in 1874 and the position of the Whigs towards the questions of the imperial and colonial policy of the Conservatives, in particular of a role of Whigs in the development of the strategy of Liberals during the Anglo-Afghan war, are viewed. In article the participation of the Marquis of Hartington and his supporters in the election campaign of 1880 is also considered.
Whigs, liberals, radicals, Marquis of Hartington, W. Gladston, the Russian-Turkish War, the Afghan War, the parliament election
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Additional sources and materials

  1. Arkhiv vneshnej politiki Rossijskoj imperii MID RF. F. 133. Op. 470. 1875.
  2. Vestnik Evropy. 1875.
  3. Uznarodov I. M. Politicheskie partii Velikobritanii i rabochie izbirateli (50-e — nachalo 80-kh gg. XIX v.). Rostov n/D., 1992.
  4. Annual Register. 1878. L., 1879.
  5. Crosby T. L. The two Mr. Gladstone. A story in psychology and history. New Haven, L., 1997.
  6. Disraeli B. The letters of Disraeli to lady Beaconsfield and lady Chesterfield. Vol. 1. L., 1929.
  7. Edinburgh Review. 1874. 1880.
  8. Fitzmaurice E. The life of Granville George Leveson Gower Second Earl Granville, K. G. 1815—1891. Vol. 2. L., 1905.
  9. Gladstone W. E., Granville G. The political correspondence of Mr. Gladstone and lord Granville. 1868—1876. Vol. 1. / ed. by A. Ramm. L., 1952.
  10. Gwynn St., Tuckwell G. M. The life of Sir Ch. Dilke. Vol. 1. L., 1917.
  11. Hamilton J. Parliamentary reminiscences and reflections, 1868 to 1885. New York, 1917.
  12. Hansard’s parliament debates. 3 Ser. 1877.
  13. Holland B. The life of Spencer Compton, eight Duke of Devonshire (1833—1908). Vol. 1. L., 1911.
  14. Jenkins R. Gladstone, Whiggery and the Liberal Party, 1874—1886. Oxford, 1988.
  15. Jenkins T. A. Gladstone, the Whigs and the leadership of the Liberal Party, 1879—1880 // Historical Journal. 1984. Vol. 27. № 2. P. 309—337.
  16. Jenkins R. Victorian Scandal. A biography of the right honourable gentleman Sir Charles Dilke. New York, 1965.
  17. Morley J. Recollections. Vol. 1. P. 165—166.
  18. Patridge M. Gladstone. L., New York, 2003.
  19. Rossi J. P. The transformation of the British Liberal Party: a study of the tactics of the liberal opposition 1874—1880 // trans. by the American philos. soc. Vol. 68. Philadelphia, 1978.
  20. Southgate D. The passing of the Whigs. 1832—1886. L., 1962.
  21. The Gladstone diaries with cabinet minutes and prime-ministerial correspondence / ed. by H. Matthew. Vol. 9. Oxford, 1986.
  22. The Times. 1875, 1878. 1880.
  23. Victoria. The letters of queen Victoria. Ser. 2. L., 1926.


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