The Interconfessional Russian-British Contacts in the Middle of the XIX Century
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The Interconfessional Russian-British Contacts in the Middle of the XIX Century
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The development of the interconfessional communications between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Anglican Church in the middle of the XIXth century is tracked on the example of contacts of the British missionaries, theologians, historians, politicians with the Metropolitan of Moscow Philaret (Drozdov; 1782—1867), who played a key role in the Church diplomacy of XIXth century. The main criteria of Orthodox and Anglican intercommunion were formulated with his direct participation. Special attention is paid to the mission of the British representatives in the Christian Orient and in Russia — W. Palmer from Magdalen College (Oxford) and G. Williams (Cambridge). Studying of interconfessional communications was carried out on the basis of new archival materials, taking into account a factor of foreign policy of the great powers.
The Sacred Governing Synod, the Anglican Church, Interconfessional Connections, Protestantism
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Additional sources and materials

  1. Zernov N. M. Anglijskij bogoslov v Rossii Imperatora Nikolaya Pervogo (V. Pal'mer i A. S. Khomyakov). Zhurnal «Put'». 1937. № 57. S. 58—83.
  2. Kehrroll L. Dnevnik puteshestviya v Rossiyu v 1867 godu, ili Russkij dnevnik. SPb., 2013. Per. s angl. N. Demurovoj.
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  4. Obraztsov P. I. O popytkakh k soedineniyu Anglikanskoj Episkopal'noj Tserkvi s pravoslavnoyu // Pravoslavnoe obozrenie. 1866. T. 19. Yanv. S. 41—70. Fevr. S. 169—201. Mart. S. 244—270.
  5. Pis'ma Filareta mitropolita Moskovskogo k Leonidu, episkopu Dmitrovskomu, vposledstvii arkhiepiskopu Yaroslavskomu. M., 1883.
  6. Popov E. I., prot. K voprosu o vzaimoobschenii Anglikanskoj Tserkvi s Pravoslavnymi Vostochnymi Tserkvami. Khristianskoe chtenie. 1869. II. S. 513, 673.
  7. Popov E. I., prot. Nachatki dvizheniya v Anglikanskoj Tserkvi k soedineniyu s Vostochnoyu. M., 1865.
  8. Smirnova I. Yu. Anglo-amerikanskoe missionerskoe prisutstvie v Svyatoj Zemle i na Blizhnem Vostoke v ser. XIX v. (anglikano-pravoslavnyj aspekt) // Ierusalimskij sbornik. Vyp. 5. M.-Ierusalim, 2015. Nakh. v pech.
  9. Smirnova I. Yu. Polemika o «prisoedinenii inoslavnykh» i ee tserkovno-diplomaticheskoe znachenie v kanun Krymskoj vojny (1850—1852) // Evraziya: dukhovnye traditsii narodov. 2013. № 4. S. 108—131.
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  11. Solov'eva T. S. Oksfordskoe dvizhenie: bor'ba za tserkovnoe vozrozhdenie v Anglii // Al'fa i omega. M., 2000. № 3 (25). S. 334—353.
  12. Sukhova N. Yu. U. Palmer v Rossii // Filaretovskij al'manakh. Vyp. 6. M., 2010. S. 92—97.
  13. Tarle E. V. Krymskaya vojna. M., 2003. T. 1—2.
  14. Chistyakov S. N. K voprosu ob edinenii Anglikanskoj Tserkvi s Pravoslavnoyu. Dushepoleznoe chtenie. 1898. I. S. 387—388, 554—567, 753—757. II. S. 175—178. III. S. 171—172. 1900. III. S. 655—659.
  15. [Zhomini A. G.] Diplomatic Study on the Crimean War. London: W. H. Allen, 1882.
  16. Emhardt W. Ch. Historical Contact of the Eastern Orthodox and Anglican Churches. New York, 1920.
  17. Geffert B. Eastern Orthodox and Anglicans: Diplomacy, Theology and the Politics of Interwar Ecumenism. Notre Dame, Indiana, 2009.
  18. Grant Duff M. Studies in European Politics. Edinburgh, [1866].
  19. Johnston J. O. Life and letters of Henry Parry Liddon, D. D., D. C. L., LL. D., canon of St. Paul's cathedral, and sometime Ireland professor of exegesis in the University of Oxford. Oxford, 1904.
  20. Life of William Allen: with selections from his correspondence. Philadelphia, 1847.
  21. Memoirs of the life and Gospel labours of Stephen Grellet: in 2 vols. London, 1862.
  22. Palmer W. Notes of a visit to the Russian Church in the years 1840, 1841. London, 1882.
  23. Pincerton R. Russia: or, Miscellaneous observations on the past and present state of that country and its inhabitants. London, 1833.
  24. Robert (Eden), Bishop of Morey, Ross and Caithness. Impressions of a Recent Visit to Russia, a Letter addressed to Chancellor Massingberd, on Intercommunion with the Eastern Orthodox Church. London, 1867.
  25. Williams G. The Orthodox Church of East in the eighteenth century. London, Oxford, Cambridge. 1868.


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