The Khrushchev's Petrochemical Project (Second Half of 1950s — First Half of the 1960s): the Strategy of Modernization of the Soviet Economy, the Export of Oil and the Allocation Resource Rents
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The Khrushchev's Petrochemical Project (Second Half of 1950s — First Half of the 1960s): the Strategy of Modernization of the Soviet Economy, the Export of Oil and the Allocation Resource Rents
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The article is devoted to the history of the Khrushchev`s petrochemical project in the second half of 1950 — the first half of 1960. The study is based on archival documents from the Russian State Archive of Contemporary History, Russian State Archives of Economics, Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History. This article discusses the question of whether the strategic choice N. S. Khrushchev «voluntarist» or dictated by purely ideological motives or wore an objective character that is associated with a realistic understanding of the problems of the Soviet economy? The Khrushchev`s petrochemical project treated as a set of measures for the use of hydrocarbon resources and chemical materials for the modernization of the economy, welfare improvement and achievement of communist objectives. The Soviet leader was represented by the development of chemical and petroleum industry as a personal program of technological and institutional modernization of the Soviet economy. Reformer sought to find the limits of centralization and decentralization of Soviet economic management, «reconstructing» traditional and «grow» new institutions of economic power, including “non-system”, but are able to solve specific practical problems of development.
N. S.Khrushchev, the State Planning Committee, modernization, the petrochemical project, groups inteterest, the foreign economic activity, the resource rents
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  1. Zubkov S. A. «Litsom k litsu»: formirovanie mezhdunarodnogo imidzha N. S. Khruscheva v sredstvakh massovoj informatsii // Novyj istoricheskij vestnik. 2007. № 1.
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