Veneration of the Stones in Everyday Religious Practice (Based on the Reports of the Study Group on Domestic Orthodoxy and Religious Syncretism Led by N. M. Matorin. 1933—1934)
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Veneration of the Stones in Everyday Religious Practice (Based on the Reports of the Study Group on Domestic Orthodoxy and Religious Syncretism Led by N. M. Matorin. 1933—1934)
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Tatiana Chumakova 
Affiliation: Saint Petersburg State University
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg
Marianna Shakhnovich
Affiliation: Saint Petersburg State University
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg
The article describes the activities of a research group that studied domestic orthodoxy and religious syncretism. This group was founded in 1928 by Nicholai Matorin at the geographical faculty of the Leningrad State University. Group members (historians, ethnographers and folklorists) made presentations on contemporary religious practices. They also actively discussed such an important component of the “living religion” as the cult stones. The article published includes the minutes of meetings at which discussed the cult of stones in the daily religious practice, as well as the draft report of O. Dobiash-Rozhdestvenskaia. The report was never held because two days before the scheduled date N. Matorin was arrested and the group ceased to exist.
religion, popular religion, veneration of the stones, intellectual history
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Additional sources and materials

  1. Dobiash-Rozhdestvenskaya O. A. Kul'tura zapadnoevropejskogo srednevekov'ya. Nauchnoe nasledie.  M., 1987.
  2. Nevskij A. Rabota gruppy po izucheniyu istorii kul'tov gosudarstvennoj akademii istorii material'noj kul'tury // Sovetskaya ehtnografiya. 1931. № 1—2.
  3. Pypin A. N. Po povodu issledovanij g-na Buslaeva o russkoj starine // Sovremennik. T. 85. № 1. Otd. II. SPb., 1861.
  4. Spitsyn A. A. Zametka o kamennykh krestakh, preimuschestvenno novgorodskikh // Zapiski otdeleniya russkoj i slavyanskoj arkheologii Imperatorskogo russkogo arkheologicheskogo obschestva. T. 5. Vyp. 1. SPb., 1903
  5. Trusman Yu. A. Finskie ehlementy v Gdovskom uezde Sankt-Peterburgskoj gubernii // Izvestiya Imperatorskogo russkogo geograficheskogo obschestva, T. 21. Vyp. 3.
  6. Shlyapkin I. A. «Drevnie russkie kresty. Kresty novgorodskie do XV v., nepodvizhnye i netserkovnoj sluzhby // Zapiski otdeleniya russkoj i slavyanskoj arkheologii Imperatorskogo russkogo arkheologicheskogo obschestva. T. 7,. Vyp. 2. SPb., 1906.
  7. Biographical Index of the Middle Ages. Berlin, 2010.
  8. Gerald of Wales. Itinenarium Cambriae // Giraldi Cambrensis Opera. Vol. 6 / ed. J. S. Brewer, J. F. Dimock, and G. F. Warner. London, 1868.
  9. Gregorii episcopi Turonensii Liber in Gloria confessorum // Patrologia Latina / ed. by Migne J.-P. T. LXXI. Paris, 1849.
  10. Lockyer N. Stonehenge and other British Stone Monuments. Astronomically Considered. London, 1909.


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