In Search of Own Church: Youth of the Soviet Province in the late 1980s — early 1990s
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In Search of Own Church: Youth of the Soviet Province in the late 1980s — early 1990s
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An article is devoted to the analysis of spiritual search of the youth from the Soviet province in the late 1980s- early 1990s. Their resort to religious questions was a conscious step. At first, young people became aware of their religiosity (belief in God), and after that started looking for a religious community where they could satisfy their religious needs. Young people looked for a religious system in which they would feel comfortable. Their actions can be explained as a rational choice of religion. They took part in the religious practices of the Orthodox and Protestant communities. They compared various Protestant theologies as well as the Orthodox theology, and wanted to get various religious experience. In addition to religious experience, the youth looked for intellectual communication.
religion, spiritual search, religious community, Protestants, Orthodox Christians, Soviet youth
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Additional sources and materials

  1. Kaariajnen K, Furman D. E. Veruyuschie, ateisty i prochie (ehvolyutsiya rossijskoj religioznosti) // Voprosy filosofii. 1997. № 6. S. 35—52
  2. Kaariajnen K, Furman D. E. Religioznost' v Rossii v 90-e gody // Starye tserkvi, novye veruyuschie: Religiya v massovom soznanii postsovetskoj Rossii. SPb.-M., 2000. S. 7—48
  3. Kaariajnen K, Furman D. E. Religioznost' Rossii v 90-e gg XX — nachale XXI v. // Novye tserkvi, starye veruyuschie — starye tserkvi, novye veruyuschie. Religiya v postsovetskoj Rossii. M.-SPb, 2007. S. 6—87
  4. Klyueva V. P., Poplavskij R. O. Izmeneniya protestantskogo landshafta (post)sovetskoj provintsii: mezhdunarodnye svyazi tyumenskikh tserkvej v kontse 80 — nachale 90-kh godov XX v. // Vestnik arkheologii, antropologii i ehtnografii. 2014. № 4 (27). S. 158—162
  5. Klyueva V. P., Poplavskij R. O., Bobrov I. V. Pyatidesyatniki v Yugre (na primere obschin RO TsKhVE KhMAO). SPb: Izd-vo RKhGA, 2013
  6. Konacheva S. A. Religioznaya situatsiya v postsovetskoj Rossii: osobennosti protsessa sekulyarizatsii // Transformatsiya identifikatsionnykh struktur v sovremennoj Rossii. M., 2001. S. 82—105
  7. Poplavskij R. O. Tserkovnye raskoly v istorii protestantskikh obschin g. Tyumeni (KhKh—KhKhI vv.) // Vestnik Kemerovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2011, № 4. S.43—47
  8. Rutkevich E. D. «Novaya paradigma» v sotsiologii religii: Pro et Contra // Vestnik Instituta sotsiologii. 2013. № 6. S. 208—233


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