Interdisciplinarity in Historical Research: the Uniconscious Against Unperceived
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Interdisciplinarity in Historical Research: the Uniconscious Against Unperceived
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The article deals with problems of a multidisciplinary approach in the national historiography, related to the rejection of a large part of the scientific community the practical experience of its implementation in historical research. An interdisciplinary synthesis methodology with focus on unconscious, de-veloped in the framework of Tomsk historiography-methodological school under the supervision of Professor I. Nikolaeva characterized. Denotes a position of criticism voiced by the opponents to the supporters of the methodology and argues in its defense. The authors demonstrate perspectives of use the methodology of interdisciplinary synthesis on the material of Peter I’s biography. Building on this methodology concept components, primarily on theories of E. Erickson and K. Horney, in article the problem of tsar-reformer’s extraordinary operability, earlier in biographical studies of Peter did not put, analyzes. The conclusion about the need for a multi-disciplinary tool, allows both to identify and resolve new problems in the study of the past and correct and validate existing theoretical findings, often have an intuitive origin, done.
methodology of history, interdisciplinary approach, Peter I
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