Additional sources and materials
- Aktsionernye kompanii v Rossii: XIX — nachalo XX veka. SPb., 2006.
- Borodkin L. I., Perel'man G. E. Struktura i dinamika birzhevogo indeksa dorevolyutsionnoj Rossii: analiz rynka aktsij veduschikh promyshlennykh kompanij // Ehkonomicheskaya istoriya: ezhegodnik. M., 2006.
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- Otchet Russkogo dlya vneshnej torgovli banka v Petrograde za 1915 g. Pg., 1916.
- Otchet Russkogo dlya vneshnej torgovli banka v Petrograde za 1916 g. Pg., 1917.
- Perel'man G. E. Sravnitel'noe issledovanie kursovoj dinamiki bumag promyshlennykh kompanij na Londonskoj i S.-Peterburgskoj birzhakh v kontse XIX — nachale XX v // Ehkonomicheskaya istoriya: ezhegodnik. M., 2009.
- Annuaire Statistique de Finlande. Douzieme annee 1914. Bureau Central de Statistique de Finlande. Helsinki, 1915.
- Annuaire Statistique de Finlande. Treizieme annee 1915. Bureau Central de Statistique de Finlande. Helsinki, 1916.
- Annuaire Statistique de Finlande. Quatorzieme annee 1916. Bureau Central de Statistique de Finlande. Helsinki, 1917.
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- Bank of Finland. Monthly Bulletin 1921—1922. Helsingfors, 1932.
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- Kuustera A., Tarkka J. Bank of Finland 200 years. V. 1. Helsinki, 2011.
- Mercator. 1912—1914. (ezhened. period. izd. «Delovaya zhizn' Finlyandii»).
- Nyberg P., Vaihekoski M. A new value-weighted total return index for the finnish stock market // Research in International Business and Finance, 2010. Vol. 24, No. 3.
- Poutvaara P. Pörssikurssien kehitys Suomessa 1896—1929: Uudet indeksisarjat ja niiden tulkinta. (A new stock index for Helsinki Stock Exchange and time before it for years 1896—1929). Bank of Finland, Discussion paper 25/1996.
- Ritschl A., Uebele M. Stock Markets and Business Cycle Comovement in Germany before World War I: Evidence from Spectral Analysis. Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Discussion paper 2005-056.
- The First 120 Years of the Dow Jones [Electronic resource]. Electronic data., cop. 2003. Mode access :
- The Road to Prosperity / ed. Jari Ojala. Helsinki, 2006.
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