Academic Mobility inside the Iron Curtain: Students from the GDR at the Soviet Universities (1950—1960)
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Academic Mobility inside the Iron Curtain: Students from the GDR at the Soviet Universities (1950—1960)
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The article investigates the system of higher education East Germany students in the Soviet Union 1950—1960 through the prism of the history of cross-cultural contacts, “Verflechtungsgeschichte” and knowledge transfer. On materials of the Russian and German archives reconstructed the concept and structure of education, the regulatory framework, institutions, channels and mechanisms of formal and informal transnational communication; identification of the most typical transboundary biographies of the representatives of socialist expert communities in the context of the Cold War. Reflection on the transnational dimension of the Eastern integration confirms its agile and lively character, there are examples of successful transfer of knowledge and cultural patterns, the existence of transnational scientific and expert community on this side of the Iron Curtain, folding and development of informal communication between representatives of the academic elite. Study and understanding of the thematic field allows you to talk about the need to adjust prevailing in modern Western literature ex-clusively violent and dictatorial nature of the relations between the USSR and its satellites in Eastern Europe.
transnational history, East European integration, culture transfer, international communication, scientific community, culture diplomacy, transnational network, (n)ostalgie phenomenon
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Additional sources and materials

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