History of Emotions in the XXI century: Epistemologic Measurement
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History of Emotions in the XXI century: Epistemologic Measurement
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The article analyzes the epistemological aspects of the research field of history of emotions, establishment of which is compared with the rocket takes off. Numerous concrete historical, analytical and historiographical researches in this field suggests that basic approaches in the modern history of emotions correspond mainly psychological theories: "hydraulic", evolutionary, cognitive and constructivist. However, today, the historian considers "psychological emotion," not as a scientific category, which should be used when dealing with a historical source, but as a heuristic tool to show the inadequacy of the old prism of irrational emotions and enrich historian’s questionnaire in a new research perspective. This is an historical study of emotional states that implies reliance on the latest developments in cognitive sciences (psychology, neuroscience, anthropology, philosophy, linguistics), filling the interface between the natural sciences and the humanities / social as well as a new phenomenon, brought about in the history science by cognitive turns past decades. In terms of actualization emotional start in modern life complex issues the field’s history of emotions, novelty of epistemological approaches and methods of analysis can upgrade both historical knowledge and interest in history.
history of emotions, interdisciplinary, historical anthropology, cognitive science, cognitive emotion, historization, historical epistemology
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