Digital History: the Craft of Historian in the Digital Age
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Digital History: the Craft of Historian in the Digital Age
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The article explores the key problems of such interdisciplinary area as “digital history”. The “digital turn” — an obvious move to the dissemination of information in digital format on electronic media — considers changes in research practices of historians. The article describes the challenges of the “digital era”, which touched historical heuristics, criticism and interpretation, including coexistence of two information storage regimes (analog and digital), “big data” revolution and the problem of multi-layer digital formats.
digital history, historical information science, historical computing, digitization of historical sources, electronic resources
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Additional sources and materials

  1. Borodkin L. I. Digital history: primenenie tsifrovykh media v sokhranenii istoriko-kul'turnogo naslediya? // Istoricheskaya informatika. 2012. № 1. S. 14—21.
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  5. Volodin A. Yu. «Bol'shie dannye» v istoricheskikh issledovaniyakh glazami P. Mehnninga // Istoricheskaya informatika. 2014. № 2—3.
  6. Volodin A. Yu. Vo vlasti programm: kriticheskaya istoriya programmnogo obespecheniya L. Manovicha // Istoricheskaya informatika. 2014. № 2—3.
  7. Volodin A. Yu. 20 let komp'yuternomu istochnikovedeniyu: per aspera ad astra? // Istoricheskaya informatika. 2014. № 2—3.
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